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  1. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    I started with one 55w 2700k cfl. I dnt remember how long I used it by itself for but if u read the posts in this thread I always update and tell wen I added new stuff. The plant that is lookin healthier is from a seed that I got from sum loud, and it was the only seed I had found since I...
  2. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    ok thanks. I only clipped them off because they looked like they were dyin and I thought they were a waste of the plants energy
  3. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    ok, do u think that it was a good idea to clip off the leaves that i did?
  4. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    And wat do u all think about my 2 plants? They are a month old, give a take a few days
  5. Rusty Cuyler

    First Time CFL Grow

    U only used one 13w cfl?? Do u have any pics?
  6. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    I think that over watering was the problem. I have sum root hormone in powder form, culd I mix that in with the water and give it to the plant?
  7. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    I water and feed both the plants at the same time and they get about the same amount of everything. Neither of the plants have changed since I transplanted yesterday. The older plant never droops and never has any of the symptoms that the drooping plant has
  8. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    I had the 2 plants in smaller pots and wen I took them out the roots had grown into a root ball and the roots of the younger one were growing into the bottom of the pot (it has these things that looks like vents in the bottom because its a pot that u water from the bottom). But the pots I'm usin...
  9. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    it was drooping before I transplanted it
  10. Rusty Cuyler

    First CFL Grow

    Yesterday I transplanted the plants into bigger pots with miracle grow moisture control or watever soil, and added 2 25w 6500k cfls. The younger plant has been drooping down and the bottom leaves have been getting a yellow tint and brown spots. I tried watering it more, cooling it down, watering...
  11. Rusty Cuyler

    Too late to clone?

    the plant isnt mine, its my friends. he said its 4 or 5 months old
  12. Rusty Cuyler

    Marijuana Horticulture The IndoorOutdoor Medical Growers Bible

    Download link:
  13. Rusty Cuyler

    Too late to clone?

    Is it too late to clone the plant in these pics?
  14. Rusty Cuyler

    anywhere near time to harvest??

    Can't wait to get my clone from this tomorrow
  15. Rusty Cuyler

    Confused about cfl wattage

    I can't find an actual 300 watt cfl on the internet
  16. Rusty Cuyler

    Confused about cfl wattage

    that bulb is 300w actual wattage? I looked it up on their site and they have a 300w equivelent, which is 65 actual watts:
  17. Rusty Cuyler

    Confused about cfl wattage

    And is it bad for me to keep adding more lights? And yesterday the timer got switched off so the lights were only off for like 1.5 hours instead of 6 and I jus kept it at the times its been on
  18. Rusty Cuyler

    Confused about cfl wattage

    Right now I have a 55w 2700k, a 13w 2700k, and 2 26w 6500k on my 2 young plants (less than 3 weeks old). I've seen people do sum decent grows with 100-200w cfls online. I plan on gettin 2 more of the 26w 6500k SOON
  19. Rusty Cuyler

    Confused about cfl wattage

    I understand equivelent wattage and actual wattage. I was asking about wat that person said