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  1. C

    What strain are you growing now? And is it awesome?

    get afghan kush Ryder and white widow and LA woman best thing I've ever done
  2. C

    What strain are you growing now? And is it awesome?

    I got the super bud feminized and LAwoman feminized auto strains goin right now.. super bud is lookin sexxy at 3 weeks almost! LA woman has just been planted and I have the feeling of almost cumming everytime I think about harvesting her because of all the pics I've seen. I'm a first time grower...
  3. C

    Most efficient grow?

    can somebody explain what scrog and sog are to me please I'm having trouble ringing what they are..
  4. C

    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    can somebody explain to me what sog and scrog mean?
  5. C

    PowerBud from GreenHouse Seeds... (feminised)

    hi I'm growing superbud aswell and the three leaf thing is totally cool as for the gro op keep going and see what this small plant will reward you with as I've heard she gives off a nice yield for persi needs. I am 2 weeks in and it's lookin fine 2inches 3 leaves
  6. C

    what am i doing wrong?

    I have a 150w fps sun system light hanging in a 2.5foot tall cabinet with an intake fan an ouput fan. The temp inside is about 25-30 celcius and my soil is drying fast. One of the plants is about to die while the other is holding on quite well. What do I need to do? Please help me find a...