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  1. N


    i read that somewhere too, but i dont think i would ever piss on my plants!!! it would stink and encourage bugs and bacteria!! If you want something cheap, make your own compost, put it in a old pillow case or something and soak it in a bucket of water, strain, dilute again and presto!!!!!! i...
  2. N

    my first indoor plant

    nice job, how many watts is your plant growing under?? It looks abit small for 5 weeks but it does look good in vegetative growth...keep it up
  3. N

    My Grow

    hey green beast, nice job,i think its looking good for 30 days, i havent got pics of mine but mine is 43 days in veg and its only 2 inches or so taller.. keep it up, and hopefully you can smoke your own product!!!