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    DAMN! lights fell again

    Ok so the lights fell when i was away. Plants had 2 days no lights and non of the lights hurt the plant. Are they going to flower now or will this kill them???
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    DAMN! lights fell again

    Ok so the lights fell when i was away. Plants had 2 days no lights and non of the lights hurt the plant. Are they going to flower now or will this kill them???
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    Mylar where do I get it???

    Thanks for your offer Dank. I have to get it done quickly, so I went to walmart and bought a blanket. It works great, thanks for your help guys!
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    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    ya i have tin foil sheets in there its kinda sloppy i cant find mylar any god damn place around here!! I wish i could line it with mylar it would really help the light leaks..
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    Mylar where do I get it???

    its 2 rubbermaid containers dont really want to paint plastic.
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    Mylar where do I get it???

    Ok so in my area home depot, lowes, and a few other random places. Nobody seems to know what it is or where to get it. Little help here what section would it be in if it was at lowes.
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    DIY 4oz. minimum yield grow box

    I love the setup I went out yesterdaay and built it. Works great only its not as good as yours i could only fit 4 pots in it. Thats ok though Im only grow 4 plants. My box is running at like 85 degrees right now and when the lights are on the box glows hehe. Thanks a lot man cheap and effiecnt...
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    Will the appraiser coming BUST ME

    Yes, I believe that in my situation if I did get caught I would mostly get in trouble.
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    Will the appraiser coming BUST ME

    i dont understand why everyone is hatin on me. I mean really whats the difference between renting from a landlord or from parents. Im 22 I grew in a dorm in a apartment and in the other side of my parents house I really dont see the difference. At least these landlords wont evict me and only...
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    Will the appraiser coming BUST ME

    Well, ya its my parents house and they dont know. Its a double block thats huge I got the other side with my girly and my rents use it for some stuff. There in the process of fixin the whole thing up and I just got hardwood floors. So I imagined that there gonna come into the room with the...
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    Will the appraiser coming BUST ME

    So, ya my rents want to get the house appraised. Now I have a semi stealth grow its just 2 rubbermaid containers on top of each other. Its in a closet that is only 4 1/2 ft tall and the inside is shaped like a triangle do to the roof. The person coming wont cheack out a shitty storage closet on...
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    Help!! lighting/wiring

    Anyone?? is there a way to get 6 cfl a surge protector and a fan from these wires its the only spot in the area???
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    Help!! lighting/wiring

    I knew I forgot somthing
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    Help!! lighting/wiring

    So this is a hidden area of my house and I cleared it out. Its about 5 feet tall at the highest point and its goes back about 10 ft. So I can set it up in the back with some junk infront of it I should be good. The second pic is of the only spot where a light can go no plugs in the area. How can...
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    My grow design L@@K

    Ya, Im not really concerned about getting caught it's a very quit neighborhood. I believe we only have one cop in our town hehe.. I will never tell anyone and that black bag wont be there when the seeds get put into the pots. I just dont know where to put it yet.
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    My grow design L@@K

    There not as bad as a landlord. That the reason why I got evicted from my apartment I just had. Aparently we started the blunt at the wrong time.
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    My grow design L@@K

    Alright, I made a little spot in my walk in closet that should work perfectly. I have 5 ft to grow where the pole is to hang the lights up. I bought 8 26w cfl all daylight. Ill get new ones when i flower. That was the highest wattage in daylight i could find so i just got 8 of them. This is a...
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    Lighting help

    The wiring is what I dont understand. Only wires I ever played with was in my car. Im going to go get sockets and y adapters today and try to figure it out.
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    Lighting help

    One thing I cant find out is how to pwer the lights. Im going to get the Y sockets from home depot tomrrow but, what else will i need to do to power them????
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    Lighting help

    Now with the cfl i should buy a 50 watt bulb for every square foot. Sounds good to me thanks..