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    3 week old sprout problems :( Please help.....+ rep for advice.

    Plain potting soil, mentioned that twice above I beleive..Yeah sorry about the shitty pictures, but yeah there are a few plants with yellow/browning cotelydons and some have the top leaves browning, curlings around the edges. Most just have the top leaf problems, but it sounds like i may have...
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    3 week old sprout problems :( Please help.....+ rep for advice.

    I have had these little guys, well hopefully girls..going for about 3 weeks and the problem started with the plant you see with the white leaf, it was my most vigorous sprout and as I was hardening them off outside I thought he mightve gotten a little too much direct sunlight causing a scorching...
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    Beat my Macros!! by FlowaMasta anyone welcome HQ macros Full size only please

    Welcome man! Yeah, I decided on RIU after researching all the different sites before my first grow. Honestly, I've never had a better forum experience...I mean it's stoners so usually everyone is cool, but beleive me when I tell you there's some snobby ass stoner websites out there. Never felt...
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    Beat my Macros!! by FlowaMasta anyone welcome HQ macros Full size only please

    UMM, Can i get the link to where you bought that thing? If i can get that HQ for $260 i'd reconsider buying a new camera JUST for the upcoming season :)
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    New outdoor question. +rep for good advice

    Thanks for the replies, I'll be using a mix of FFOF and Happy Frog soil...Now my only issue is trying to pick a spot to do it..I wanna be stealthy, but I dont have a ton of worries about them being seen by anyone so I can be a little more lenient in that regard..The front is an open field and it...
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    New outdoor question. +rep for good advice

    Hey guys, got just under 30 seedlings going, ready to move outside pretty soon here. I have 2 areas picked out to put them, but was wondering how much soil am I going to need here? How deep do i need to dig and fill with a higher quality soil mixture for each plant? I am thinking of just doing...
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    Time to start growing! Will keep updated if there's interest.

    What kind of advice are ya looking for man? Sounds like your main problem is genetics...perhaps in more ways than one :P my advice to you is order some seeds from the Internet get them shipped somewhere discreet that you won't be growing at and tell your mom not to fuck with your plants. Beyond...
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    Time to start growing! Will keep updated if there's interest.

    Well, it's that time again...I've run out of all my precious weeds and now it is time to grow some more. Last round I pollenated a few branches and got like 100 seeds, threw about thirty of them in little planters last night after germinating them and put them under my LED for now. I plan on...
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    Hunting down the perfect strain.

    Good point. Except I only plan on doing this grow then chilling for a while until i run out of bud..Should be good for awhile. Just planted 30 or so seedlings of some outdoor stuff :)
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    Hunting down the perfect strain.

    I think I may go with the Critical Kush and use the attitude upcoming promotions if noone has any better ideas...If theres a good deal to be had somewhere else let me know. Check it.
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    Hunting down the perfect strain.

    Hey there everyone! I am starting up a new grow one outdoor and one indoor. Right now I am looking for that perfect indoor strain for me and I know you guys can help me out. I know there's a million strains and hybrids, but I'm looking for some rather specific stuff. If something pops into your...
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    Need advice FAST PLEASE

    I was thinking the exact same thing lol..Unless your trying to start a co-op with some experienced guys or something I would keep my plant to myself as much as possible. I don't let people even touch the things haha, no reason in my eyes. Your nutes may be a little heavy so if you see signs of...
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    May have accidentely overnuted..please help. +rep for advice

    Thanks a bunch for the good advice guys, I just didn't expect it to hit that hard and fast...I did give them a nice healthy feeding and they looked like they needed it so good stuff I guess! Thanks again guys. I'll be posting pics of harvest soon enough.
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    May have accidentely overnuted..please help. +rep for advice

    Thanks for the advice, I am afraid of any damage this late in the grow. I'll keep this updated as to what happens. Can you see the small leaf in the back thats all brown and curled up? That happened like overnight, after I saw some real vigourous growth the first day. Does that mean anything...
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    May have accidentely overnuted..please help. +rep for advice

    I have my plants under a 400 watt lamp, about three weeks into flowering in soil Using Jungle Juice 3-part Nutes. I feed/water them every tuesday alternating between plain water and feeding. I always let it sit out overnight. I may have accidently fed two rounds in a row because after feeding...
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    How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

    If all the trichs are cloudy and some are starting to turn amber that means the thc content in the trichromes is starting to degrade, if you want the couchlock high you want to let them ripen up a bit and get more amber. If you'd like a more uplifting, head high you want to harvest now while all...
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    The Benefits of Using a Grinder

    No it does NOT downgrade your weed, rubbing your oily little fingers all over the delicate buds can though. The whole process serves to save that extra pollen in the bottom that you would otherwise lose to your fingers or other tools. Thats how I see it at least...
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    The Benefits of Using a Grinder

    Right on, Using a grinder is much more efficient. When you get that stick icky shit you cant always break it up fine enough to burn evenly or even burn thoroughly at all with your fingys. Grinders > Fingers all day.
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    Metal Halide Question

    Hmm, i've heard of some problems using certain bulbs with digital ballasts. If you waited a few hours that should have been plenty of time for it to cool so you may be looking at a compatability issue or a short issue. ORR a less likely bulb issue eg: crack/scratch in bulb, water on bulb etc...
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    Is she going to die?

    How often are you feeding and what nutrients are you using? That should clear this up. Edit: Just saw your previous post...Hold off on the nutrients and flush as advised by BK...and then +rep his way =P