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  1. K

    Hey All

    Just wanted to toss my name in the ring here...i have been posting in the aero/hydro section a few days...figure i would come over here always wanted to joina forum, but honstley all the ones i found were alot of jerks just givin people a hard i never did...this one tho seemed...
  2. K

    Aerogarden club

    thanks for the tips i will def watch the vids..i skimmed the FAQ but i will again i bee going at it...outside for a while...but man...this is a whole new world hu? lol
  3. K

    Aerogarden club

    ok so...i have never done hydro can somone basicly take me over the steps right it gonna go fox farm by the way right up to...home much i should be changing water....and how etc i know its alot of work..but hey if we get it may stop alot of the same...
  4. K

    Aerogarden club

    ya come grow time...i will likly do 3...i wanted to push for 4...but...i dont wanna be greedy and mess it up
  5. K

    Aerogarden club

    thats my plan is to clone...i want to anyway, again sumthing i have never done, with the outdoor growing i do...i just do a big harvest and call it cloning is also new, but hey ill get there, when i get there lol
  6. K

    Aerogarden club

    well just got me 5 feminized low ryder seeds so...we will see what happens, when they get here i figure im just gonna grow maybe 3 at a time...all tho...if the nylon thing works with the roots, poissbly i would have room for more???
  7. K

    Aerogarden club

    very nice...i will have to keep it in mind then when i do that seems to be the steady issue, roots also...can somone point me in the direction of some info on flowering, as i kinda wanna do "BIG BUD" instead of "LOW RYDER" but...i believe you need to flower BB and as i said, i do not...
  8. K

    Aerogarden club

    well, i already said this omwhere, but i will again i got a aerogarden for a gift, and thought, wow this could be perfect..did some research, and found the brain children of this forum, wow...its impressive, i have read some much, from when tek where your at now..amazng...
  9. K

    First Indoor Grow- Aerogarden Setup

    I joined this forum, beacuse i wanted to talk to other people who had the AG....i myself just got it for a present, and the first thing that came to mind, well...this LOL....but i couldent find alot of info on it...i found htis site, and wow..... your set up looks great, and im thinking of...