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  1. P

    Prove to you There's a God?

    I'm a simple man with simple needs and all I know is that if gods intention was for you to stay faithful to one woman as in marriage then why the fxxk did he invent so many others!
  2. P

    determining how many 1000w i can have

    Im just setting out my room tomorrow and for the last couple oof weeks my heads been a bit mashed reading all sorts of info lol Basically as far as i can see it's not rocket science and sticking o the basics especially on a virgin run is imperative so this is my plan tomorrow. I have a 100sqft...
  3. P

    determining how many 1000w i can have

    Stupid question but is that sqft or meterage?
  4. P

    Advice on first time setup

    Yeah I know what you mean! Tbh as a newbie lux was the first guide I read properly, and when I said read I mean like ilt took 10 times to get my head around it lol I much prefer your way just wished I'd found that method first and saved myself 6 hours of my life but Its all good :) The lads say...
  5. P

    Advice on first time setup

    Think I was being a little ambitious and getting carried away so took your advice and have decided to learn to walk first, so this is the plan: 5x5sqft 600 watt diamond light with sunmaster dual Ruck 150 750m3 Rhino 150 LP 12 plant grow Passive with clay pebbles Will start to add as...
  6. P

    Advice on first time setup

    Hmmnn now im confused!!!! Working on the lumens scale theory that sub tropical varieties are optimal between 2500-3500 lux then judging by this guide a 1000 watt light intensity at 4 sq mtr would equate to 3500 lumens output, so therefore i would need 2x1000's to cover 8sq and a 600watt to...
  7. P

    Virgin dips his wick

    Hmmnn now im confused!!!! Working on the lumens scale theory that sub tropical varieties are optimal between 2500-3500 lux then judging by this guide a 1000 watt light intensity at 4 sq mtr would equate to 3500 lumens output, so therefore i would need 2x1000's to cover 8sq and a 600watt to...
  8. P

    New grow

    Hmmnn now im confused!!!! Working on the lumens scale theory that sub tropical varieties are optimal between 2500-3500 lux then judging by this guide a 1000 watt light intensity at 4 sq mtr would equate to 3500 lumens output, so therefore i would need 2x1000's to cover 8sq and a 600watt to...
  9. P

    Advice on first time setup

    Room is 100 sq in total . The fan should at that spec change all the air every 3 mins so should be sufficient although I take your point with cooling the lights. *I was contemplating splitting the room but as a virgin I assumed that having multiple areas at differing stages etc might have been a...
  10. P

    Virgin dips his wick

    thanks for input ak. Don't know about tree method i just didn't want to go ape on first un so just did the math on lights and sqft and came up with 24, however after googling tree method and seeing yield results I won't argue if that happened to be the end result :) Fan wise the ruck pulls...
  11. P

    Virgin dips his wick

    Hello beautiful people ,apologies for thread header :) This is my first post so forgive me for any stupid newbie questions :) even though I have been researching and reading till the cows come home I'm now at the stage where I'm confusing myself with information overload! Anyway here goes...
  12. P

    New grow

    Thanks for reply mad cow, In terms of space Its 4x4 sqft per plant not 4 as previously mentioned,my mistake. the wattage at 40 per sqft was taken from a grow guide and after other bits of info it seemed to be the general consensus, however your the second peep to have said it's a little low so...
  13. P

    Advice on first time setup

    Thanx Educk, I think I'm going to go for the 4 but the fan I thought was only responsible for air exchange in the room and that one is way above the spec recommended for a room that size as the m3 rate is nearly double? As a newbie forgive my ignorance but if the air is being exchanged at the...
  14. P

    New grow

    Hi beautiful people :eyesmoke: After driving myself mental with info overload I've Decided to jump in with my first grow. Here goes - Setup size: 100sq ft / 4 x 3 mtr lights: 40 watts per sqft*=4000 watt lighting required ( correct me if I'm wrong!) Considering either > 4x1000s *advice on...
  15. P

    Advice on first time setup

    Removed due to duplicate post Original post >