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  1. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Who is till waiting to chop?

    Fuck irene she took my beauties!
  2. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Who is till waiting to chop?

    Pics plzzzzzzz
  3. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Any good strain idea's!

    I'm also growing outside so keep that in mind!!
  4. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Any good strain idea's!

    Looking for someone that had good luck with a certain strain and kinda a review for yeild and thc level and stuff. I live in new york so keep that in mind! Lets get some!! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: WhiteeBoy Out
  5. TokinWhiteeBoy

    is it not good to grow sativa's in new york?

    yeah was thinking about vegging inside then putting out for flower!
  6. TokinWhiteeBoy

    is it not good to grow sativa's in new york?

    Yeah and remember this is all for next seasoon i can veg in my house but not grow!!
  7. TokinWhiteeBoy

    is it not good to grow sativa's in new york?

    Well the guy wrote a note and this is what it said Sativa dominate 80/20 Flower for 7-9 weeks Soak in h2o for 12 hours Place in paper towel to moist not dripping wet. Place in paper towel w/ seeds inside on a warm spot, oven or DVR box or cloths dryer Germinate rate is some where in the...
  8. TokinWhiteeBoy

    is it not good to grow sativa's in new york?

    Please explain?
  9. TokinWhiteeBoy

    This is awesome!

    So i have been sitting around for the last week or 2 trying to figure out where i should get my seeds. Then my mom comes in and says are you expecting mail i said no... I open the envelope to find 20 F2 Sativa seeds someone has just gifted to me!! I wanna thank the person who did that cause i...
  10. TokinWhiteeBoy

    New York Growers Thread!

    Me lol upstate!
  11. TokinWhiteeBoy

    If i'm growing outdoors do i need to veg?

    No i'm just trying to get a couple things in my head for next year its already hitting the low 40's here in NY :(
  12. TokinWhiteeBoy

    If i'm growing outdoors do i need to veg?

    yeah i live in New York not really that humid but the end of the season comes quick thats why i was wondering if i had to veg inside or not thats i appreciate it bro
  13. TokinWhiteeBoy

    If i'm growing outdoors do i need to veg?

    I mean can i put it in like a 160z cup and put them outdoors during the day and bring them in at night?
  14. TokinWhiteeBoy

    New York Growers Thread!

    New york sucked for growing this year because of irene that bitch killed my baby's!
  15. TokinWhiteeBoy

    If i'm growing outdoors do i need to veg?

    I'm confused if im growing outdoors do i just germinated them and put them in pot and put them outside or do i have to veg inside i need some help with this so could someone please explain thanks!:wall:
  16. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Harvested 3/4 one plant..(some bud rot)

    Chuck 420 your avatar bro thats my favorite movie man Leaf of Grass such a good movie and that one bud looks like a football
  17. TokinWhiteeBoy

    3 Word Story

    and they say
  18. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Best Chocolate Bar

    England chocolate is the best i can remember back when i was a senior we had a foran exchan student from the uk that brout chicolate from there i took one bite and jizzed in my pants!
  19. TokinWhiteeBoy

    3 Word Story

    then i smoke
  20. TokinWhiteeBoy

    Cartel Weed

    I would call it The Green Bandit! haha