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    I live in southern california
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    Can my plants stay outside past november? I have one thats almost ready but 5 that have at least 4 wks left. Hindu kush and purple . They had a late start
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    While light is off and closet doors are shut for dark peroid should i continue to run both of my fans?
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    Closet grow

    I transplanted rooted clones about a week ago and two have a few wilted looking leaves. Closet grow with 1000w metal halide. Technflora nutes. Two fans temp is 78-81 degress and humidy 25-42 . 16 hours of light and uninterupted darkness. Humidity to low? Should i spray plants? Please help
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    New closet!

    I also dont know how acurate my temp guage is. Its from my retile tank :/
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    New closet!

    Ive been fight to get it lower. Started out at 95! Added two fans and switched to a cooler closet
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    New closet!

    I have a closet in my air conditioned bedroom. 1000watt metal halide bulb in a hood. Tempurature at 84 humidity 42, is this ok? Two fans one is orbital. Using technflora nutrients. Any suggestions?