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  1. Liveforeverordietrying

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    There's the legend himself!!! ROOFWAYNE in the house!!! I run at least a cpl 12/12fs every grow cycle. I run a perpetual grow under 1000w hps and I always throw a cpl 12/12fs in the mix. I've always had good results and some times the strain decides to give me incredible results!!!
  2. Liveforeverordietrying

    600watt HPS 12/12 From Seed

    Subbed brother, love it... I'm doing 600 watts 12/12 from seed as well. Only did one NL this cycle but she's looking sweet, big plans for next cycle...
  3. Liveforeverordietrying

    How to Make Tincture Oil

    The recipe in this thread, I use as a rub on externaly only... Works great for that, I agree this shouldn't used as an edible there are definatly better ways for that...
  4. Liveforeverordietrying

    DIY cool tube made from 2L glass beer bottle

    My temps are fine, just curious if people think I should be kicking a bigger space? Wasted light perhaps?
  5. Liveforeverordietrying

    DIY cool tube made from 2L glass beer bottle

    I run mine seperate...
  6. Liveforeverordietrying

    D.I.Y. Air Filter

    The carbon filters the smell... The dryer sheets arn't necessary.
  7. Liveforeverordietrying

    DIY cool tube made from 2L glass beer bottle

    You can buy disposable digital cameras for between $12. and $20. that would work great for this!
  8. Liveforeverordietrying

    DIY cool tube made from 2L glass beer bottle

    Love the light, I'm kicking a 600w. cool tube in a 2x3x4' area and thought I was just about on par. Thoughts?
  9. Liveforeverordietrying

    Grandma's Growing Again

    You know I'm subbed Grandma... Everything looks awesome! Good work! Love the thread... Arn't you supposed to be working?
  10. Liveforeverordietrying

    Ayla's plight !!!!! Let's help if we can !!!!!!! To keep ayla's name alive

    God Bless, We'll do what we can!! So sad.
  11. Liveforeverordietrying

    DIY cool tube made from 2L glass beer bottle

    Just make sure that the tape and all the materials you use can handle the heat of a 400w bulb, but definatly.
  12. Liveforeverordietrying

    Will Cops Show up at my House??!!! Help

    First things first, deep breaths... Your seeds haven't been confinscated have they? Most seeds make it because the companys do this for a living, they are good at what they do. Now that your relaxed a little, where'd ya see it, 5 years old might not be true any more. If theres an author, try...
  13. Liveforeverordietrying

    Is a Ruderalis a bad species to grow? (vs indica and sativa)

    You should be good then... run it out and post your results... I'm interested now... It's always bothered me that they have to use such a low THC strain to make the Auto-flowers... Hopefully you'll be happywith the results.. Good Luck and Happy Growing...
  14. Liveforeverordietrying

    Is a Ruderalis a bad species to grow? (vs indica and sativa)

    It's not an auto-flower, it's a ruderalis hybrid, unless I read the post wrong. There is a differance... Just trying to share the love, not trying to be contraversial, but Ruderalis genes in a plant doesn't automaticly make it an auto-flower...
  15. Liveforeverordietrying

    Is a Ruderalis a bad species to grow? (vs indica and sativa)

    Really? Anytime someone says probably, you can count on it being a guess...:hump:
  16. Liveforeverordietrying

    Is a Ruderalis a bad species to grow? (vs indica and sativa)

    Buyer beware There are still many commercially offered Ruderalis hybrid strains that are very low quality and should barely be classed as drug varieties... I myself wouldn't grow it unless due to curiosity, but chances are you won't have much THC in them. I read the Wikipeda definition, and it...
  17. Liveforeverordietrying

    The Official House and Garden Thread

    Nope, just heard about them, and researched 'em. I have a grow cab w/ a 600w, can use all the help I can get... Theres plenty of light and I can keep it about 85 deg. but theres alot of stress in that little box... 3x2x4