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  1. V

    Is this a Hermie ?? and if it is, do i get rid of it???

    Had 8 altogether... 3 were male so I trashed them. No stress that I can think.of. all plants in same area....ill watch for a couple more days...
  2. V

    Is this a Hermie ?? and if it is, do i get rid of it???

    It definitely has female pistils... but i see small sacs on one internode area..
  3. V

    Is this a Hermie ?? and if it is, do i get rid of it???

    I think this may be a hermie... can anyone confirm? and if so, do i ditch it???
  4. V

    2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream.

    Nice! Im gonna follow this one... I heard td is of luck!
  5. V

    Update on some of my buds! How are we lookn?

    Nice! Wish I could grow outdoors. Wow
  6. V

    how to use molasses? ??

    Heard about molasses... is it ok to use? How do u use it? Pro's and Con's?
  7. V

    Barneys farm.... Tangerine Dreams....

    Sweet! How's the taste smell and effects? I hope its not too picky for growing
  8. V

    lighting question..

    I read somewhere that you could use either all the way through.... The cost of the conversion bulb limited me to one... I figured it would be good to use both. I will start a perpetual grow after this practice run Thanks everyone!
  9. V

    lighting question..

    I have 2 400 watt mh fixtures... I bought a hps conversion bulb for one of the fixtures.. is it ok to flower with a hps and mh bulb at the same time?
  10. V

    Mi Clones

    Tangerine dream and blue god.... amazing!
  11. V

    Barneys farm.... Tangerine Dreams....

    Anyone try growing this? Anyone ever partake of this? Looking for reviews please :peace:
  12. V

    Need opinions / guidance please

    Thanks everyone I appreciate it! I looked the my 8 plants again, and I did see male flowers on 3 of the 8. I got rid of them immediately. As for the other issues. I think im just gonna let them dry out a bit and let them be.. Its funny.. I check them daily and after a week into flower I...
  13. V

    Need opinions / guidance please

    Hi, First time grower and my first post.. Ive been lurking here and other sites for a while, reading, learning, etc... Started my first grow back in the middle of August. using bagseed.... (I have some good seeds on the way) but wanted to grow and learn my first time.... Im using FFOF soil...