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  1. teamintegra94

    Cloning in darkness

    i use clonex gel and solution my cuttings always stay healthy but never root ive had ones in there for a month at a time looking healthy n bright green no roots pop though
  2. teamintegra94

    Cloning in darkness

    i use a 105 watt cfl 3 feet away also i have my cutting in an ez cloner but no luck on roots maybe its where im taking my cuttings from or something theyve been in for 2 weeks now still no roots but look fine
  3. teamintegra94

    Cloning in darkness

    So I was thinking i have had no success with cloning so i was thinking what about leaving the new cuttings in darkness for the first day or 2 the same as germination process insted of throwing them under a light right away. should i leave them in darkness for the first day then switch the lights...
  4. teamintegra94

    can anyone give me advice cloning with an ez cloner

    ya i have a 1 on 4 off timer for it
  5. teamintegra94

    62 days of flowering. Bagseed sativa 150W HPS.When to harvest?

    np. next time just start with a female clone and mother and then take cutting so u always have females :weed:
  6. teamintegra94

    Grow Wurks - False Advertising

    i dont know if your talking about the one in fullerton? on state college but if so theyre always nice to me both the guy and girl that works there they always hook me up with great deals but if you dont like them i would recommend la habra hydroponics the own is always there and always willing...
  7. teamintegra94

    is this a hermie or am i trippin

    looks like a hermi honestly... u should move it away from female plants though just for safe keep
  8. teamintegra94

    is this a hermie or am i trippin

    u r right, if u had read my post you would have known but anyways ur 100% right
  9. teamintegra94

    can anyone give me advice cloning with an ez cloner

    i agree im testing it out today i just took new cuttings today so well see what results i have with the new set up last one i just trashed the clones cuz they were all curld up. so far they still look nice been maybe 3 hours since i cut them also i use two cutting in my neo sleeves i have a 30...
  10. teamintegra94

    is this a hermie or am i trippin

    u guys r funny... u need both male and female plants to produce seeds just like a fucking humen male plants produce the pollen and so on
  11. teamintegra94

    62 days of flowering. Bagseed sativa 150W HPS.When to harvest?

    before calling someone a lame maybe you should read what i had said to him seeing as he doesnt want to get rid of it bcuz he wants to smoke it. also i do not smoke males all my girls are females thx seeing as ur from compton your most likely some wanna be thug of some sort:clap:
  12. teamintegra94

    can anyone give me advice cloning with an ez cloner

    thanks for all the input im using r/o water, clonex solution(liquid) not gel as mentioned about the gel just washes off also clogs the misters (some times), ph is at 5.5-6.0 i was talking to people i know personally and they said they had best results in 60-70 degrees not above 70 though, i have...
  13. teamintegra94

    62 days of flowering. Bagseed sativa 150W HPS.When to harvest?

    id say harvest and start over with a feminized clone that u will know will b female i dont know where u live but i have a bunch of clones that i wont mind kicking down 1 or 2 def. will have a better smoke with female
  14. teamintegra94

    62 days of flowering. Bagseed sativa 150W HPS.When to harvest?

    your plant will let you know when its ready to harvest more red hairs the better hope this helps
  15. teamintegra94

    leafs curling and cuping, help please!

    1 your watering way to much dont see why no one has pointed that out yet should be watering around every 3 days when the top is dry or crusty everynight is going to kill it also make sure u ph ur water right if ur using tap water leave it out for 24 hours before watering from what it looks like...
  16. teamintegra94

    ez cloner help

    thx i just switched it to 24/7 i had it at 18/6
  17. teamintegra94

    ez cloner help

    i always take multible cuts 5 and then some. im also gonna start using two cuts in each neo sleeve so i can get 60 cuts instead of 30 in my 30 site
  18. teamintegra94

    can anyone give me advice cloning with an ez cloner

    i think you have miss read my post but yes i have seen a lil wilt but not major. my question was what kind of results have people had and how fast have they been able to see starting of roots
  19. teamintegra94

    can anyone give me advice cloning with an ez cloner

    im looking for best results using an ez cloner i just pick one up and took 23 cuttings and i want to know what the best results people have had with it how fast you started to see roots ext.:?