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  1. W

    Leaves Changing on Nirvana Short Rider Outdoor Grow Day 63- IS THIS NORMAL?!?!?!?!?

    is any of this worth doing with the plant so close to being finished? will its current state effect its future smoke?
  2. W

    Leaves Changing on Nirvana Short Rider Outdoor Grow Day 63- IS THIS NORMAL?!?!?!?!?

    they used to enjoy the nice east coast temps of mid 80s during the day 70s at night. now we're hitting mid 70s at best with lower 60s a few nights high 50s. anything i can do to help it? will this effect my yield/harvest/taste? its weird because the other plant isnt doing it
  3. W

    Leaves Changing on Nirvana Short Rider Outdoor Grow Day 63- IS THIS NORMAL?!?!?!?!?

    havent given it nutes for almost 2 weeks now. I live on the east coast and the last week or so has gotten a little colder with alot of rain,i've taken them under cover during the heavy rain. so do you think its just changing leaves like trees do in the fall? the plant still looks healthy and...
  4. W

    Leaves Changing on Nirvana Short Rider Outdoor Grow Day 63- IS THIS NORMAL?!?!?!?!?

    Take a look at this pic and someone please give me a diagnosis. Nirvana short rider, grown outdoors. Had 8 sisters harvested earlier in the summer with no problem. 2 days ago this ones leaves start changing colors, is this okay?!?!?! HELP!!!!!!