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  1. gaiaganja

    Heres a look at my grow space --- i want to make it a perpetual grow

    if i wired it straight to that would i adjust the height...having long wires haning down is the only way i can see it
  2. gaiaganja

    Heres a look at my grow space --- i want to make it a perpetual grow

    Any ideas to maximize this space are welcome.
  3. gaiaganja

    Heres a look at my grow space --- i want to make it a perpetual grow

    the room is an odd shape so lets just call it 3ft x 3ft x 7ft . The rest of the space is for me to manuver around the room. I have a shelf above the right side of the wall that is about 10 inches in height. When I tried my last grow my seedling got sure i had her too close to the...
  4. gaiaganja

    **need HELP with choosing a 150w hps system for my first AF indoor closet grow**

    ok im a moron..didnt enter my zip...they ship extra 20 bones doesnt seem bad..i think that is the perfect light for my space...gonna order it today
  5. gaiaganja

    **need HELP with choosing a 150w hps system for my first AF indoor closet grow**

    they had free shipping at the HTG site when i clicked checkout on the 250w mh/hps system
  6. gaiaganja

    Novice green keeper

    Novice green keeper
  7. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    at the ten day mark i did give a very mild dose of bat guano and worm castings from fox farm...organics...was 2ml in 16oz bottle...only squirted 2 0z of the diluted mix
  8. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    that link is actually where i learned about it. fixes several problems for me..mostly the space i to me its the perfect choice each their own...hopefully this wilted girl will comeback and give me a kiss
  9. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    thx bud...i will give it a shot...gonna try to raise her from the dead...ill def keep you guys posted..thank you so much for your imput
  10. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    got any kind of using a 160z spray bottle going to try to bring her back....she was my lone wolf out of 10...still waiting on amsterdam maryhoochy seed company to send me my seeds...been almost a month..starting to think i got ripped
  11. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    the soil was dry the next on a 12/12 from seed...and everyday when the lights come on the soil was way dry so i moistened it with a spray bottle...well mold...was perfectly healthy friday night and sunday afternoon it was what u saw...sad
  12. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    no dark purple color....temps not more than a couple degrees difference day and night...around 81 farenheit. my humidity is all over the place between 60-40
  13. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    the soil was always dry the next day...i missed one day of misting the soil ..i use a spray bottle...and spray the perimeter and then spray the tops and let them more than a couple oz of water...she was never soggy
  14. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    ive done excatly what Jorge Cervantes told me to
  15. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    i am getting purple stems when they grow ...dont know why
  16. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    thats a jiffy pot and under 4 ft florescents...i just was in shock...friday she looked so healthy
  17. gaiaganja

    IS this DEAD??

    Ive been keeping the soil evenly moist for 14 days. Friday evening she was fine. Saturday I went out and didnt check on her until sunday afternoon. this is what i saw.
  18. gaiaganja

    PLZ HELP CANT FIND INFO (ganja dwarf)

    i myself am waiting for my ganja dwarf beans in the mail. from what i have read the flowering time is -8-9 weeks after germination