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  1. D

    1st grow Mazar/Big Bud (feminized) + bagseed. Indoor - soil

    Update: All 8 T-5 bulbs are in now and I'm slowly switching over from an 18/6 to a 24-7 schedule until I decide to flower. I was initially operating under the philosophy that the plant evolved with the rising and setting of the sun so I should always seek to mimic that. However, upon further...
  2. D

    1st grow Mazar/Big Bud (feminized) + bagseed. Indoor - soil

    Hey everybody, this is my first grow and I would like to share it with you guys on Rollitup. The soil I'm using is Roots Organic, along with 5 gallon grow bags with a thin layer of Hydroton at the bottom. I'm using an 4'-8 bulb T-5 at the moment with 6 out of 8 lights in until more is...
  3. D

    leafs are turning yellow.

    Soil soil soil soil soil.... That's where our ladies first started growing, that's where they grew up growing and that's what they love! Drop the hydro kit if you're not 100% prepared for it. At this point you're just shooting yourself in the foot by trying to go hydro without at least a pH...
  4. D

    Abnormal cotyledon growth... (How did that happen?!?!)

    She's been quite the grower already, out-competing the others, so hopefully it'll be the best smoke ever! I was wondering if that would affect topping methods and techniques by having that growth there. I wouldn't think so since it hasn't shown any outward growth like the other side nodes, the...
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    Abnormal cotyledon growth... (How did that happen?!?!)

    Feminized Mazar Dutch Passion... baby why do you have to be so sexy? Oh... wait.. do I have beer goggles on...? What is that by your Cotyledon!?!? A leaf growth obviously... but can anybody explain the cause (which is probably just genetics) and if there is any reason for concern...
  6. D

    not enough soil, can i get the rest from outside

    I wouldn't suggest getting dirt from outside to fill the rest of that pot. You'll gain a lot more if you spend the 7$ on some proper soil from a gardening store.