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  1. Botany101

    A Very Successful Grow!

    gooooood looooooks
  2. Botany101

    A Very Successful Grow!

    yea i noticed that shit, im using that thing or watever as my image uploaded i didnt notice how small i had the setting on when i originaly posted them, the news ones i posted arent even that good but soon ill have some close up pics goin an u can really see the buds and all the frost
  3. Botany101

    A Very Successful Grow!

    sorry this pics were small heres better ones
  4. Botany101

    A Very Successful Grow!

    Probly my most successful grow yet!! i got some piff seeds from a grower i know and finaly grew em. started in late july and now its finaly time to smoke! check em out i only have pictures of one caus i dont like to have a lot of pics on my files. but it came out soooo nice. the...
  5. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    yeeah i was reading about that it said to raise your lights to a minimum of 24" when applying then after like 30 minutes or so itll have all soaked in an i can lower my lights back down. ill probly just spray it when all the lights turn off since its on a timer, then itll sit in darkness for 12...
  6. Botany101


    normaly i would just let it finish and get some fem seeds out of it, that would be a really good idea caus hey thats free dank seeds. but i was trying to a lot of buds off this one caus im in mad debt and i was hoping this thing could help me out a little with that. however it is only one...
  7. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    got some ordered now i godda wait 5 days at the least until i get it so ill just keep pullin em off until then, either way once i get it all male production will come to a halt so i should be all good, thanks for the product info i didnt know they had such a thing
  8. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    yahh true that, i guess watever seeds i get will be some dankk ass seeds since its a really potent strain. usualy i do transplant but this grow for some reason i didnt. but ill check that stuff out hopefully get some of that here asap
  9. Botany101


    i never did flush it tho, so its fresh off some fox farm nutrients. damn this sucks. im about to just grow 6 fem seeds and say fuck this grow
  10. Botany101


    damn i really cant think of much stress ive givin it, heres a few factors that may play in 3 weeks ago i noticed gnats so i made up a neem oil spray and have been using that every few days to rid the pest my plants 32" tall and 36" wide in a 5 gallon bucket maybe the buckets to small? i pruned a...
  11. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    a few i know pollenated caus i could see the yellowish pollen bits but 95% of em didnt so i guess ill wait 3 more weeks or so and harvest
  12. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    nahh no stress factors the only thing i can think of is i was a day an a half late or so on my watering, i did have some gnats flying around and little bugs in my soil but i layed sticky traps which got rid of most the adults, then made a neem oil spray and ive been foliar spraying with that...
  13. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    if i continue to pull them off before they open and release pollen will i be able to keep it from more seeds forming? and if i keep pulling them off will i still get potent buds and a good yeild?
  14. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    ahhh damnit. it is a true hermafrodite. after all this time that scheming little plant. ive already pinched off a lot but a few opened so some already got pollentated. only the lower buds tho. i do like the strain tho its a real nice deisle strain so if i get some good fem seeds ill be real...
  15. Botany101


    ohh ok i see what your saying alrite thanks, i got a few more weeks before harvest. but i started to notice they male lookin preflower things, im a month into flowering an theres buds everywhere so idk whats up with it but i godda figure out
  16. Botany101

    budding problem (pics)

    im not sure if this is soppose to be happening but im about 3-4 weeks into flowering, buds have been forming really nice the passed few weeks until today i looked at the nodes of some of my branches and started noticing a few of THESE popping up which looks to me like MALE pre flowers. i...
  17. Botany101

    humidity question

    im slackin on gettin this dehumidifier im only like 3 weeks into flowering tho, buds are looking reeeeal nice
  18. Botany101


    im a little un sure on how much to flush and if i can use distilled water or if i should just use pure water? im using 5 gallon buckets
  19. Botany101

    basic harvesting questions

    you defently helped me out that all makes sense, i godda get a magnifying glass here soon its almost harvest time!
  20. Botany101

    Cherry Pie

    thats the first thing i said after takin the first bong rip haha