hy. i was see in some forum that you was loos a seeds whene you was put them in paper tower and in the fridge sorry for the big lost man. my question is that i have a vree young seeds witch i was take them just befor some 2 weeks from my plant and after that i was try to germinate them with...
my problem is that i have a vree fresh seeds witch are just 1 month old. and they was notr want to germinate with any way my question is if thees seeds must to pass tru a winter period to they germinate. and if so if it can be to let them in the freez and how much to let them. or just to save...
thanks so much for the answer . but i still didnt understand if the seeds they must to pass truth a winter period to they germinate and thats why my seeds they was not germinate or its not necessarily. because like i was say my seeds are just 1 month old and they are so fresh. and if they must...
what to do with my vree fresh seeds with are between 2 weeks and 1 months old after taking them from them plant. the dont want to germinate and i was try evree thing from soil to paper tower to lating them in the water for 1 day to they poul dowon but nithing is working so please tell me if i...
i have a vree fresh seeds wich are about 2 weeks and 1 months after taking them from the plant . i was try to germinate them with any way i was read about like paper towel and derectly to the soil or pouting them in the water anthill they poul down. but nothing was ork to germinate them. no...