Search results

  1. achiever420

    High CBD

    I'm looking forward to seeing what comes around. I think that there is a lot of potential with regard to CBD strains. I;n my experience they have done a wonderful job of relieving my pain without leaving me incapacitated.
  2. achiever420

    High CBD

    I picked up some Harlequin from AZMC in Tempe that worked very well. I enjoy the higher THC strains as well but I can't be blazed out of my mind all day at work and the harlequin was just what I was looking for pain relief without a huge head high.
  3. achiever420

    High CBD

    Hopefully some of these strains will make it to the farmers markets. I haven't had much luck tracking any down they work wonders on my back and nerve pain without leaving me to spaced out to work.
  4. achiever420

    High CBD

    Is anyone here working with high CBD strains. I have seen Harlequin at a couple of the clubs around town but it doesn't seem like anyone is supplying these strains on a consistent basis. I haven't seen any at the markets or any of the official dispensaries either.
  5. achiever420

    azdhs now says I'm within 25miles?

    Unfortunately AZDHS interprets the 25 mile rule "as the crow flies" the whole 25 mile rule is ridiculous.
  6. achiever420


    Summer temps like these make me wonder if the mild winter is really worth it. I can always put on more clothes in the winter but I can only take off so many in the summer and if you've seen me I shouldn't be taking off to many.
  7. achiever420


    Welcome! I too was a noob a year ago and have found the MMJ community here in AZ to be for the most part very welcoming and helpful. There can be alot of dick swinging going on in these grower forums at times but if you read thorough the comments you will find that most of the users here are...
  8. achiever420

    AMMA Upheld

    Looks like its full speed ahead for the dispensaries.
  9. achiever420

    Growing after Dispensaries are Open

    I've had this argument with Personified before he dosen't seem to get it. Getting caught with any greenery on the Indian reservation will land you in some serious trouble. After they are done seizing any valuable property you have when you are caught they will hand you over to the Feds. There...
  10. achiever420

    Altitude Organic Managed Caregiver Network

    Correct me if I am wrong but aren't the dispensaries required to grow, maintain and account for all the medication they stock and sell from seed? There will be no legal way for their business plan to work once the dispensaries are up and running.
  11. achiever420


    It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way IMO its a huge risk to have anything to do with them. I would assume that one would not only risk their freedom but also their ability to have a card at all if one were to get caught up in a raid on one of these places.
  12. achiever420


    This place clearly falls into the latter category. No matter what the outcome of the White Mountain case, I think the days of the clubs are numbered. If the Sate gets the decision they want in that case they are going to go all thermonuclear on all of these places and if they don't I assume...
  13. achiever420


    Anyone have an opinion on the legality of the clubs around town? I have a friend who was offered a "budtender" positon at one. I advised against it as I believe that they are at best operating in a gray area and at worst out right illegal. I don't trust the powers to be in this state and I...
  14. achiever420

    Anybody have experience with the Pax vaporizer

    I just received my Pax this past Friday and I have to say I am loving it. It is very discreet and works well for my needs. If you are consdering shelling out the steep $250 to buy one I would suggest reading through the forums. There you will find a well documented...
  15. achiever420

    the next farmers market ???

    Stopped by the We Grow market today and was impressed. The donations were far more reasonable than any of the clubs I've been to. The people were friendly an informative. The vibe overall was great. I will definitely be going to the markets from now on to obtain my medicine.
  16. achiever420

    az newspapers online COSTS

    I thought it was hilarious when the AZ Republic announced their subscription service. It's like 10/month for online access. I don't know who these clowns think they are. I get online access to the the New York Times for like 7/month and at least there I get some compelling journalism. There's...
  17. achiever420


    You can always refuse the body scanner in lieu of a pat down and there are areas they aren't allowed to pat, not many anymore but some none the less, were small amounts of stuff can be carried. That is why I will only be bringing a pinky nail size worth of material.
  18. achiever420


    Thanks for all the info. Looks like im gonna go with the g-pen due to price as I will be taking it clean and trashing it before I come back as its not worth the risk on the way back.
  19. achiever420


    Does anyone have an opinion on or experience with a G-Pen? I have read several reviews which seem to be fairly mixerd. I am going on a trip soon and concentrates are going to be the easiest way to travel so I am considering buying one. Also if anyone knows of any shops in the valley were I...
  20. achiever420

    Gila county sounds like a good place to move to.

    Wow a public official in Arizona with some respect for the will of the voters and the law such a strange proposition.