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  1. M

    My Second Year

    So this is my second year of growing. I went from 1 plant to 12. I have 2 White Rhino, 2 Northern Lights, 2 Ice, 5 BlueBerry and 1 Bubblegum. I am getting a little worried (depending on who I talk to about the yellowing and purpling of the leaves. I am about 3 weeks into the flowering with...
  2. M

    Please Help, anyone seen this before?

    fuck we found even more but this time on the bottom of the leaves and they had hatched. I am hoping to get through the rest of the budding season before we are totally infested. This really pisses me off!
  3. M

    My first grow (AK47)

    Love this picture of it budding
  4. M

    People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

    I am glad I started outdoors with a clone, I have only asked one dumb question which I could have easily googled, glad I am getting better, my AK47 is budding crazy right now!
  5. M

    AK47 First Grow Update

    Here are the buds forming, do you think they look good, how much longer do you figure until harvest. Outdoor grow, Oregon from a clone, this has been in the ground since end of June.
  6. M

    Please Help, anyone seen this before?

    i will post pics, we actually saw little caterpillars come out of the eggs I pulled off the other day, might be a different species or something.
  7. M

    Please Help, anyone seen this before?

    we figured it out, they are caterpillar eggs.
  8. M

    Please Help, anyone seen this before?

    I don't know whether it is eggs, a fungus, or what. I have only seen it on 4 leaves. The first one I removed and peeled off the growth (it peels off easily) but no bugs came out so not sure if eggs or what. Please help!
  9. M

    My first grow (AK47)

    The amount of dirt for the plant to grown in actual is deeper than the blocks (we dug a hole first), but I think you are saying the square should be bigger?
  10. M

    My first grow (AK47)

    This is the day I planted and now.
  11. M

    My first grow (AK47)

    I am growing this in Oregon, US. Outdoors. Started with a 3 foot clone in June is over 6 feet right now and starting to get flowers. Have some strange issues here and there but I think they were minor. Please let me know your thoughts (I am particularly curious about the random brown spots /...