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  1. O

    She doesnt wanna get ready!

    Cant my laptop still broken im doing it from phone. Just blaze that and use ur I toked it and I feel like its a quick high doesnt last long kinda trippy in ur head.... Meaning I think its not ready
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    She doesnt wanna get ready!

    Ok, from my last post I had a phosphorous defecciency and I fixed it with guano feedings shes looking pretty healthy now except with some big leaves missing lost to the deficiency. Now i transplanted her beginning of august and then started flowering sept and she is still going. the thc is clear...
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    Ok just to update, I feed her a full dose of flower nutes and I noticed my ph was to high at around 7but its too late I already feed it to her (stupid meter is on the fritz) I but a fan blowing warm air into the soil to dry up most of it and I think the correction here is to ph the feedings or...
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    I dont have a scope. Iv been flushing it, mostly all the pistils are brown now but it seems to be growing new pistil pods and new pistils on top of the old ones not sure what that means ....anyone
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    Ok bare with me I have no laptop so I cant post new pics, but they look worse they smell bad they are losing thier crystally glimmer and they seem to have new pistal ovule sacs growing on top of the old bud, the stems are purple and the underside looks greenish purple. The leaves are intervienal...
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    My buds dont smell good anymore, they stink like cleaner or chemicals, and a hint of the pine woods Is that bad now should I just do a p fertilizer and flush later I dunno whats right anymore im so stoned right now
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    I cant check ppm so im just using distilled water and I figured 1 gallon per 1 month of growth, she is 4 months old so maybe shes there. you think the quality would be hurt or should I harvest early or just wait until the pistils change color Please no flaming everyone has opinions on...
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    Opps yes I did just one heavy feeding of water and I just started the nutes again but mild. I feed it a gallon and a half every week or 5 days depending if they look thirsty. Im going to start flushing it out as my scheduel harvest date is dec 5 which is soon but I dunno if I should worry about...
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    I tried but I fail. Cant figure it out.

    I try to not post in here unless I REALLLY need too, but Iam at a loss again. My plants are pretty much almost done but I notice what appears to be a heavy onset of phosphor deficiency and maybe chlorine toxicity. Im also noticing the soil I use is now compacted and I cant cultivate cause of the...
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    Too hot and dry in my GL80 tent

    I ran the lights 24 hrs then found the best time to have them on and off and for where they are this is the perfect time. Now I change to 12/12 cause they are growing fast. Ducting here is almost 20 for about 3ft at all home depots iv been too. I might buy online its cheaper i heard cool tubes...
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    Too hot and dry in my GL80 tent

    Im going to try that tomorrow when the lights come on...thx dude I do need to get the grow over. I think I can budget 100 bucks right now
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    Too hot and dry in my GL80 tent

    I have the GrowLab GL80 tent with a 400w mh light and 1 cheapo exhaust fan on the top and a cheapo intake fan on the bottom. One large air purifier (i use it for the fan) 2 two month old plants and a humidity box and a humidifier. I keep the lights on for 16 hrs and its super hot I also put...
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    OMG i Broke the stem.

    well I got a 1 liter pot and filled it with some of that peatmous and cut the stems to 4 inch and stuck em in peat moss cubes and put the cubes in the pot and placed a glass cover over them until tonight when the grow room gets steamy for the night then Ill keep em there for the night without...
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    OMG i Broke the stem.

    omg i cant belive the other stem broke too now. both stems broke off from where i fim'd it.
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    OMG i Broke the stem.

    Im dieing to post a pic but i cant im borrowing this computer to post, my computer broke The stalk is about 6 inches tall it has the growing top still on and 2 leaf sets. I cut it underwater before the breakage to expose new tissue and left it looks over watered
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    OMG i Broke the stem.

    I acidentlly broke off one of the growing tops on my plant. Its like 5-6 inches. it has top on the top and a couple leaf sets. I cut about 2 leaf sets left the 2 sets on top and also left the top and cut the stem straight under tap water. I dont have any cloneing supplies as i didnt expect to...
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    Upgrading CFLs, will temperature be a problem?

    I have 65 watt cfl = 300 watt and i can touch them all day no burning. I keep them 1 -2 inches from my plants
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    My stealth grow box

    That box is awesome, I need to find a fan like urs
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    Velcro or other material?

    Im drawing that right now for me. I was going to add weatherstripping and a latch with a optional pad lock. the latch will add pressure to the weather stripping to seal it air and light tight. the door will be about 2 inches shorter on the bottom and top. a peice of wood will fill that gap and...