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  1. N

    The mushroom returns for a tall tale!

    In for this, sounds awesome!
  2. N

    Finding Acid.

    I wish there was a Greatful Dead concert to go to. I'm checking that out right now dude, looks like a lot of fun! As for finding Acid? No clue dude, but wish I did. I've done shrooms once and it was an amazing experience. I came out a new person, and have only bettered myself. Acid sounds...
  3. N

    Nutritional Values

    Hey what's up guys, I'm planning on majoring in Nutrition in college that's why my name is what it is. I'm pretty new to smoking, first time was around 2 years ago. - Extremely new to growing, but I have been poking my eyes around the forum and excited to get into the newbie section and rip...