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  1. N

    HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

    UPDATE: just been and checked on the fallen soldier and less than 24 hours after her minor operation she's back alive and kicking!!...:) still a bit groggy but all the branches and leaves have perked back up with no obvious signs of wilting so I am over the moon!!...amazing what you can do with...
  2. N

    HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

    Gidget that plant looks lush mate..and thnx for the advice on the main problem is the place where it has snapped its literaly quarter inch above the soil so quite hard to get to with string etc its taped now so I don't want to disturb it any more really incase I do more damage I was...
  3. N

    HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

    Hope it fixs itself cause I'm gutted Tbh they were looking superb before this..:(
  4. N

    HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

    Thanks for the advice mate I will change to string and stick tomorrow also any advice on topping? As I've heard it can produce greater yield??
  5. N

    HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

    Sorry mate can't upload pics from my phone but it seems that most of the damage is the outer stem if that helps all the othe stems leaves are still green but the plant itself has gone very droopy like it hasn't been watered...
  6. N

    HELP PLEASE!! snapped stem

    Hi, I'm 7 weeks into Veg and have just discovered one of my plants stems have snapped I'm guessing that the fan was to close and has over powered it!, it has snapped about quarter inch from the bottom but not fully can it be saved?? The plant itself has gone all droopy and flopped!, I've taped...
  7. N

    Help Please!! Young plants dying!

    Sorry to keep interupting this thread but can someone please explain to me how to post a new thread as I'm struggling to find how to do this...appreciated
  8. N

    Hi, I'm 7 weeks into Veg and have just discovered one of my plants stems have snapped I'm...

    Hi, I'm 7 weeks into Veg and have just discovered one of my plants stems have snapped I'm guessing that the fan was to close and has over powered it!, it has snapped about quarter inch from the bottom but not fully can it be saved?? The plant itself has gone all droopy and flopped!, I've taped...
  9. N

    Help Please!! Young plants dying!

    Help! I've just discovered one of my plants have snapped about quarter inch from the bottom of main stem I've taped and splinted but its propper drooped will it survive? It hasn't snapped all the way....its in 6th week of Veg. Any help will be appreciated