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  1. J

    Seedlings cotyldons and leaves turning yellow/brown

    Cooler temps will help. Also, no fert. Take a piece of plastic food wrap and make a small tent over the cups. Use sticks (3-4 inches) to lift wrap over plants. Mist frequently. The small roots and leafs can't keep the plant moist enough to stay alive much less grow.
  2. J

    Plant showing sex in veg? Why?

    Each plant is different. Pure strains don't exist anymore except in nature. The genetics dictate how a plant will respond to it's environment. Sounds like a dwarf plant at only 8". They tend to pre-flower early. Keep it growing in 18/6 or 24/0 light cycle. I would check all the necessary...
  3. J

    plants hasn't grown at all in the past few days? first time grow

    Slow down a bit - no need to panic. I find the more I futz around the more problems I introduce. First, roots grow first. Second, you need high humidity for new plants 70%-80%. If you're preferred method is seedlings get a small foam cooler (like for brews) put your seedlings in the cooler...
  4. J

    Aquarium Water PH ADJUSTING

    I also have chiclids (breeding tank) PH only measures the acid/base level. The nitrogen cycle also produces other byproducts that can only be neutralized by bacteria. EACH Tank is it's own environment, so one person's experience is not an indication of what you might see. I use distilled water...