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  1. R

    Knowledge and Opinions please!

    I have just germinated some seeds in soil and they're about4 inches in heigh with only 2 basically it's been 5 days since they've actually germinates. I have some time constraints but am also curious about how early you could flower a plant. Would it be possible to immediately flower...
  2. R

    Leaves droopy and branches bending

    The set up is soil with a 400 hps. The light is in a filing cabinet but about 10 inches. The nutrients I'm using was big bud powder from advanced nutrients. I don't think that it's nutrient burn. There's absolutley no yellowing at all.
  3. R

    Leaves droopy and branches bending

    I have a plant that is about 2-3 weeks old. (wish I could reformat the picture to show you). The leaves at the top were very droopy....almost like I hadn't watered in a while. I'm pretty sure it's not over/underwatering. Now it seems that the actual branches the leaves are droopy on are actually...
  4. R

    Flowering blueberry and white widow

    Hi everyone Does the size of the plant aeffect the length of time that it will take for the plant to be finished flowering. Also is it normal that all leaves turn yellow?
  5. R

    Harvesting soon..please help!

    Hi I have some plants that are getting pretty close to being ready..I think..I've noticed that the tops of the plants are further ahead than the rest of the plant...I expect this is because it's closest to the light. When it is ready can I pretty much chop the top half off? Will the bottom buds...
  6. R

    How do I post pictures?

    Hey I'd like to post some pictures but when I try it says that the size of the pictures are too large. How do I resize them. Do I do that from the computer or tyhe camera. I can't find the option on either to do that.
  7. R


    Hey I was just wondering about some plants that I have going. I wish that I could take a decent picture but can't seem to upload them on the computer. My plants are about 45 cm in height. They have tons of white pistils everywhere. I don't have one of those magnifiers to check the tricromes (I...
  8. R


    Thanks. But I'm also wondering about what kind of yield I would lose? Would the buds become more potent. I know that I control when they will flower. I'm just wondering if 7inches is pointless.
  9. R


    Hey everyine I have 7 plants and they all look pretty good...they're starting to smell good too! They're about 7 inches. How long will it take to flower them. They've been in under a 430 hps light for almost three weeks. My problem is that we may have to move so I may have to flower them early...
  10. R


    Hey everyone. I have 7 plants in a closet. 3 are Northern Lights and the other 4 are caramelisious. I have a 430 hps light. Right now they're about 6 inches. When is the ideal time to go into the flowering stage. Is it true usually 50% of the plants are males? This may be hard to guestimate but...
  11. R

    New Grower

    thanks everyone....
  12. R

    New Grower

    Hey everyone This is my first time growing. I have seven different plants, twp different strains, in a closet covered with mylar and using an 430w HPS. I'm going to try and attach some pictures but I would say they're about 6 inches. At what height should I be flowering. I may have to move soon...