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  1. J

    Barney's Farm Blue Cheese

    Thanks I appreciate it. I am really a rookie.
  2. J

    Barney's Farm Blue Cheese

    Hi, This is my very first grow. I screwed it up really early by overwatering so they did not develop as they should have. These pictures are of the plant after 9 weeks. I am not sure whether they are right for harvesting or I should wait longer. I appreciate any help at all given. Thanks
  3. J

    Harvesting Seeds

    wow, that is pretty fast advice. I am going to do just that, check one and see how it looks in terms of maturity. Thanks
  4. J

    Harvesting Seeds

    I have looked quite a bit for this information but could not find it. I intentionally allowed a lowberry auto to pollinate to make seeds. Now the plant is full of seeds. The question I have is, is there a right way to do this? How do I know when to take them or when they are ready? I have...
  5. J

    DJ Shorts Blueberry

    Hi, I realize this is commenting really late but I have a question. If DJ Shorts Blueberry seeds are crap, which obviously they are, then do you have a recommendation for where to get good Blueberry Seeds online?
  6. J

    Leaves are drooping

    They had only been there less than 24 hours, I just made the switch. They drooped immediately even more. I will leave it alone and check in the morning.
  7. J

    Leaves are drooping

    Thanks a bunch, I didnt have the concern until after the leaves started drooping and then I began second guessing myself. I am going to do exactly as suggested. Do you recommend I absolutely change from the rockwool to the pellets or should the rockwool be fine once I sort out the drip.
  8. J

    Leaves are drooping

    This drip part of the system has been running since I moved the plants into this chamber. But should I only be running the drip aspect a half an hour a day? Could this be the problem?
  9. J

    Leaves are drooping

    I am using the following grow box, I had these plants under T-5's for the first two weeks and I just moved the plants to the large grow space and the large hydro set up. It continually drips through the grey straws into my medium...
  10. J

    When to move seedlings to veg stage.

    Thanks that is excellent.
  11. J

    When to move seedlings to veg stage.

    Sorry, I left out that this is a hydro set up.
  12. J

    When to move seedlings to veg stage.

    I am a newbie and could not find the exact answer for this. I am growing some Barneys Farm Red Dragons, Pineapple Crush, and LSD. Exactly when do I move the plant from under the 24 hour fluorescent lighting to the veg stage using 400 Watt Metal Halide lamp? Thanks for any help and i...
  13. J

    My First Grow - Lowberry Seeds and the Lowryder Deluxe Grow Box

    Okay, I got you. Thanks How would i remedy that? I am very wary of over fertilizing though.
  14. J

    My First Grow - Lowberry Seeds and the Lowryder Deluxe Grow Box

    Oh, okay Thanks. Sorry about that.
  15. J

    My First Grow - Lowberry Seeds and the Lowryder Deluxe Grow Box

    Not sure I understand what you are saying?
  16. J

    My First Grow - Lowberry Seeds and the Lowryder Deluxe Grow Box

    I have started on October 1st, my first grow of lowberry seeds from Dutchbreed. I am on Day 17. I am using the three CFL's provided. This does not appear to be optimal for the amount of light but this is my first grow. But my question, and to anyone that has an idea please contribute you...
  17. J

    Constructing a 100% CFL Grow

    Well i have three of them, but you tell me. What is your experience? These are lowberry's, do I use the veg cfls for how long before I switch to the flower CFL's? The box came with those, but I can replace those without a problem. If anyone has any better CFL suggestions for three bulbs...
  18. J

    Constructing a 100% CFL Grow

    They are three 13W CFL bulbs.
  19. J

    Constructing a 100% CFL Grow

    I am a newbie. I have a small stealth grow box that uses CFL's. I purchased some LowBerry seeds and since these are autoflowering it raised a question. Would I use the 2700K Spectrum or flowering bulbs for the entire grow? How many lumens would be excellent for a small grow box, it is only...