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  1. V

    Root temperature using CO2

    I am supplementing with CO2 and utilizing aeroflo2 system. I keep daytime temperatures at 85 degrees, therefore the nutrient solution is about the same. Should I cool the nutrient solution with a water cooler, or do both the roots and tops appreciate the higher temperature when supplementing...
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    Yellowing Leaf Edges

    Haven't fed yet since I flushed last night. I'll change epson salt dose (I thought 10 tbs in my 5 gallon bucket seemed a lil' high). Thanks again for your help. I'll send some recovery pic's (hopefully!).
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    Yellowing Leaf Edges

    Thanks for all the input. Here is my plan of attack. 1. Install thermometer & fan 2. Keep lights 4" above plants minimum 3. Flush (should take care of any potassium build up, imbalance, etc) 4. New soup with reduced cal/mag (half dose vs 2x dose), epson salts @ 2tbs per gallon. PH to 5.8...
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    Stalk broke, is it worth trying to save?

    Next time try crimping before bending. Pinch plant stem until you feel plant walls "give". Pinch again 90 degrees. Bend plant at weakened crimp line.
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    Yellowing Leaf Edges

    Interesting problem with my bathtub grow. Yellowing leaf edges middle and upper part of plant (newer growth). I filled out the questionnaire below with my info IN CAPITALS and have attached pictures. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance! 1. Are you growing from seed or clones? CLONES 2. How...
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    Brown Spots Between Veins--HELP!

    I have not been using Cal/Mag in the past, as I have never experienced this problem. The weather is colder, maybe that could be a contributing factor as well? I will begin to supplement with Cal/Mag. My plan of attack is to add a light dose (1 tsp per gallon according to General Hydroponics...
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    Brown Spots Between Veins--HELP!

    Let me know if I am doing anything incorrect: I typically calibrate my PH meter once a week. I use a Hannah 9813-6 I use a stealth R/O 100. ADMITTEDLY I haven't changed the filter in 5 MONTHS. Could this be contributing to the problem? I PH my coco feed to 5.8 before hand watering (drain to...
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    Brown Spots Between Veins--HELP!

    thank you very much!!
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    Brown Spots Between Veins--HELP!

    I have a variety of strains in 3 different mediums. All are experiencing the same problem which is brown spots between the leaf veins (see picture). I use R/O water, and check PH before each watering. I use house and garden nutrients (coco and aqua flakes). Any idea what could be...