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  1. Reefermang

    First Grow Outdoor!! Tell me how im doing?

    Thanks much appreciated info :D
  2. Reefermang

    Hello EVERYONE :D

    Hey Im new as you can probly tell :p I've been smoking weed for at least 2 years now, I love packing a full party cone and smoking it through my Gatorade bottle (It has sentimental value so dont judge my bong) xD. I just posted a new thread of my first grow check it out :)...
  3. Reefermang

    First Grow Outdoor!! Tell me how im doing?

    Hey tell me how Im doing as this is my first grow. Just used my basic knolege of plants to get this far mix soil/fert/all that jazz. I have no idea what the strain is as well i got the seeds buying a quart xD The smaller plant has been growing longer than the bigger one strangely enough :/ And...