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  1. Reyer

    help outdoor

    Make sure there are holes in your cup for drainage. I would say grow it in there until roots poke out the bottom of the cup, then transplant it to a bigger pot outside or in the ground.
  2. Reyer

    why are my 1 week old plants not standing up straight?

    I have the same problem.
  3. Reyer

    Week old plants w/ thin stems

    Ive go five 10 day old Early Mistys growing in my room. they are being exposed most of the day to sun and so they are stretching tall to reach it. But im getting worried because they have started to fall over. I put a couple sticks in the pots to keep them standing, but im not sure if the...
  4. Reyer

    How much longer?

    So you think it will be more than 3 weeks?
  5. Reyer

    How much longer?

    Here is my first plant ever. Shes about 3 or 4 weeks into flowering. Anyone know about how much longer?
  6. Reyer

    Purple Stems, Dieing lower leaves, and stunted growth?

    Same thing is happening to me but the stems are completely green now.
  7. Reyer

    [Q?]How many time to water my plant a day?

    Water mondays and thursdays, make it easy to remember.
  8. Reyer

    To top Or not to top (Pics)

    Looking nice, im thinking about topping. It looks like a very good idea
  9. Reyer

    First time . need all the advice i can get

    Read up a ton and wing it. Thats what im doing and i ahve a 3 week old healthy plantaroo.
  10. Reyer

    I'm having some trouble with acronyms...

    LST - Acronym for Low-Stress Training, the technique of manipulating the branches in order to reduce plant height, expose certain branches to light, and/or distribute hormones to lower branches of the plant to encourage larger buds. I couldnt find DIW, but DIY is Do It Yourself.
  11. Reyer

    hello from the evergreen state

    Hey, im in the evergreen state also. Nice to see someone else from the great northwest
  12. Reyer

    17 Days [video]

    Thank you, i will
  13. Reyer

    17 Days [video]

    Those are sexy. You just see them slowly waving back and fourth as they shoot up.
  14. Reyer

    17 Days [video]

    Thanks this is my first grow, and im making sure im extra carefull to not over or under do anything. Its working out pretty well. I am giving nutrients at about 1/2 recommended, and it seems to be working well. I was thinking about doing a timelapse, but i dont have anymore room in my...
  15. Reyer

    17 Days [video]

    Here is a small montage of my 17 day old. Hope you like it. I will continue to film it throughout its lifetime. Untitled on Vimeo
  16. Reyer

    Dude this is funny

    Black people are funny. And cocky
  17. Reyer

    Hows she looking

    I have no idea what kind, its some random bag seed.
  18. Reyer

    Hows she looking

    My new one is 15 days old. Im using: 1x 100w 6500k cfl and 1x 125w 3000k cfl Plant on Vimeo
  19. Reyer

    Super Power Of America Or Stupid Power Of America

    Super power. We built this country on rock and roll.
  20. Reyer

    Who Will you Vote For

    Come on people vote Mcain. Keep a white man in office, it has worked well for the past 200 years. If Obama or Clinton are elected, riots will break out and either blacks or women will be so smug and cocky the economy will go to hell, and we will be a burning bankrupt pile of shit country.