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  1. M

    2012 Novice Guerrilla Grow in Florida. Your thoughts

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I haven't planned out nutes of veg state quite yet. Also what should I use to prevent pests? Any particular brands you guys love to keep of the insects? I've thought bout neem oil but I've never tried it before.
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    2012 Novice Guerrilla Grow in Florida. Your thoughts

    Starting of my 2012 season rather late but not discouraged. The two strains I will be growing are white widow(2) and Northern Lights(3) from Nirvana seed bank. I started the germination of them today using the old paper towel method. Soil 2 parts regular potting soil 1 part miracle grow with...
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    Planning Florida Grow

    haha i got bored and had some bagseed so i planted it in my school project garden.
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    Planning Florida Grow

    yah but everyone here smokes weed lol. idk its hot as balls so it feels like were the dick and the taint of america
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    Planning Florida Grow

    yah im gone watch myself really good this time around.
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    Planning Florida Grow

    the spot is an abandoned lot that preety much got overgrown into a forest, i only visited a couple times a week to check in on it last time
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    Planning Florida Grow

    Its been a couple of months since i had to ditch my only outdoor plant(first time grower) because even though the seeds i bought were feminized it was a male. This time around I'm using the nirvana seed banks feminized northern lights strain outdoors. Since I live in Florida and temperatures...
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    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    ok neem oil. Nutes and avid thanks guys. This will be on my midnight bike ride to the local walmart since I don't have a car. Neem oil goes under the leaves, and evry other water go half strength with the nutes. Also I left my old bottle of nutes outside in a well rinsed milk jug its miracle...
  9. M

    Transplanting Help/Advice

    Okay and Im going to be putting it into a hole maybe twice as deep as the plant shuld i fill the bottom of the whole with soil then put the rootball on top of the loose soil and then gently pack in the rest of it?
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    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    where can i get neem oil like walmart or homedept.
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    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    If bugs were eating my plant could i spray somehting on the plant or soil to prevent this?
  12. M

    Transplanting Help/Advice

    My plant is almost 2 months old and for the remainder of this grow I want it to be rooted into the ground instead of this pot it is in. The pot is about 2-3 gallons and I was wondering what the best way to transplant it is. I.E. do i remove all the soil or try to pull it out of the pot at an...
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    Nutrient Defficency??? Please Help Identitfy

    Hey the bottom leaves on my plants are missing chunks out of them and are brown along the edges. The next node of leaves is starting to develop the same brown spots. Im guessing this is a nutrient deficiency. What kind of deficency is it and how can I correct this.
  14. M

    How can i protect my outdoor plant from hurricane irene??

    Irene missed us here down in Florida. I wouldnt worry about your plant to much and evacuating is silly unless its like a category 3 not barely making category 1
  15. M

    Outdoor In-Depth Guerrilla Grow Guide*

    wheres the green house 3 liter bottle link?
  16. M

    7'4" White Widow :)

    That thing is gonna make some good amounts of bud. Just some of the side branche alone look like they could crank out an oz.
  17. M

    All Florida Growers. Are you worried about hurricane Irene????

    Yah. I dont know about mine its really skinny and I dont want it to have to be set back a little bit. RIght now my plants is still in a ucket in a hole in the ground so I plan on moving it thrusday night im thinking. Unfortunatly this means walking down my street with a pot plant lol.
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    7'4" White Widow :)

    oh shit sorry the pot looks tiny in the picture probably cause that plant so dayum big.
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    7'4" White Widow :)

    Dayum hard to believe you got that monster out of a pot that small. When did you start the mofo