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  1. L

    Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

    Nice looking plants. I have a question did you top it or how did you make it into a bush?
  2. L

    Update 2 - OutDoor Afghan FINAL WEEKS PICTURES

    hell yea they will..,It rained over here for a couple days some bits got rotten i just cut them off it wasnt a big deal it wasnt alot,just if your worried put some plastic on the top.
  3. L

    Update 2 - OutDoor Afghan FINAL WEEKS PICTURES

    Don't pull em yet bro
  4. L

    Little black balls?

    I think i know what you are talking about i have some worms on mine check yours
  5. L

    My First Harvest!!

    How tall did your plants grow if i may ask.
  6. L

    Three weeks into flower!!

    Really nobody willing to help?
  7. L

    Three weeks into flower!!

    What is causing this???? I feed her fox farms tiger is happening from the middle down not all the leaves though thank god for that.
  8. L

    I'm Going Nats

    Thanks bro . What is 5%?
  9. L

    I'm Going Nats

    Will a mosquito dunk tea work for soil if i let the mosquito dunk sit in the water for about a whole day?
  10. L

    Help! please.

    I don't understand what you are trying to say.
  11. L

    Help! please.

    I feed it fox farms tiger bloom. I gave it some fish fert 5-1-1 yesterday because i thought it needed nitrogen. I water them 2 times a week sometimes more. Hope this helps
  12. L

    Help! please.

    I have this pretty tall plant its is bushy also i noticed the other day alot of the leaving are turning yellow the brown and dying what can be the cause of this? It's this one you can't see the dying leaving because the are toward the middle and down inside the plant. I hope these new pics help...
  13. L

    What do you guys think.

    Thanks Ill keep all of you guys updated.:)
  14. L

    All comments appreciated!

    Thanks you guys! where can i get blood meal at?
  15. L

    All comments appreciated!

    Out of all the plants i have she is the only one with this problem.
  16. L

    All comments appreciated!

    What do you recommend bro because i use fox farms tiger bloom. I thought it needed nitrogen so i added some fish fertilizer that is 5-1-1.
  17. L

    All comments appreciated!

    I have this pretty tall plant its is bushy also i noticed the other day alot of the leaving are turning yellow the brown and dying what can be the cause of this? It's this one you can't see the dying leaving because the are toward the middle and down inside the plant.
  18. L

    What do you guys think.

    I meant price kmksrh21,but thanks for the input both of you guys.Happy growing
  19. L

    What do you guys think.

    Do you guys think this is looking like a good strain. How much an ounce?
  20. L

    Anybody willing to help?(pics)

    Is this indica or sativa?:wall: