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  1. K


    im honestly not sure, its a bag seed. Real curious to know the strain
  2. K


    Ill wait until i start seeing more amber colors. Although, if i were to harvest today would i still get a decent high?
  3. K


    Yes i have flushed. So you think wait a few more days then?
  4. K


    Time to harvest?? Mostly all milky trichromes, Spotted a couple ambers..Opinions? Thanks!
  5. K

    Time to Harvest

    Trichomes i'd say are mostly Milky in color.
  6. K

    Time to Harvest

    first grow - I know i'm close, maybe ready for harvest? Opinions? Thanks!!
  7. K

    How much longer do you think til harvest?

    Don't have a scope to check, so I want to see if you guys can tell apprx how much longer of flowering I have? Using CFL lights. Thanks!
  8. K

    How much longer of flowering?

    Just curious to see how much longer I have to wait. getting ancy. Thanks!
  9. K

    Are these buds ready??

    A couple pics here. not sure when to harvest. Thanks!
  10. K

    Is this a male?

    I have another plant growing but Im almost positive its a female (Pics attached of it). So the male... can I transplant it outside to grow, or toss it? Thanks for the help!
  11. K

    Is this a male?
