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  1. W

    hey new looking for advice outdoors and abit late.

    we're near roads and such. with a smallish patch of woods beside and going to the back yard abit. with neighbors i dont think i'll have too much to worry about with that atleast i hope. i'm more worried about getting nothing out of them. 2 seeds didnt make it i've already put one with about an...
  2. W

    2011 Already?

    hey sorry to hear about your problem with the operation and i got to say omg to the 76lbs i think i'd know what a marijuana overdose or having too much personal weed would be like. i was writing because i was looking for some help myself. i have a topic under the same forum hey new looking for...
  3. W

    hey new looking for advice outdoors and abit late.

    i dont understand how. but my post is already on page 2 with no views besides mine. i'd really like some help if possible.. i apologize for the multiple messages i dont know what the bump policy is on this forum or how bad an infraction it could be i hope not too serious.
  4. W

    "Fuck You USA!

    i agree with this and the related posts more than others. i think if everyone in the world were atleast equal in more than just we all die or pay taxes, then there can be some serious much needed changes for the better of society or even the world(earth) as a whole.. i can say more about...
  5. W

    "Fuck You USA!

    you cant just blame a whole country or continent of people. its not the way the world should be at all really. you hate. this country county state continent district but why do you? because of stuff you assume about them all. heard about them all. think about them all. so you must have cameras...
  6. W

    hey new looking for advice outdoors and abit late.

    sorry if i seem inexperienced. but i'd also like to add that these are just plain seeds no fancy name colors and the best hairs they might get are orange. reggie-mid weed. tho i'd love for it to magically become loud lol.. i'm gunna keep reading around and hope greatly that i'm not too late to...
  7. W

    hey new looking for advice outdoors and abit late.

    summers been going on for awhile and i couldnt get my hands on any ok seeds until recently. Now i've germinated the few i'm trying to grow with the oldschoolish moist napkin in a ziplock till they're well enough to put in pots/soil. basically what i'm trying to figure out is if theres anypoint...