Wats up everyone well im having some plant problems some of the lower fan leaves are turning light yellowish and greenish lol with brown rust spots everywhere and idk what its is I've done some research and I'm thinking it cold be mg deficiency because I'm using the hempy bucket method and I've...
Lol yea I know and just one more question on the side of the timer thers a switch and it has two options one is a clock and one is an I do you know what these are for sorry bout all the ?'s.
Yea I saw those so but idk my time in 24hour cycle or whatever but I found this conversion chart is this correct? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/24-hour_clock
Hey everyone I got this 24 hour timer it came with my 400w mh/hps system but I don't know how to set it and the instructions just say align segments to on time does anyone know how to set these?This is the only thing I can find right know its not letting me post a...
What up everyone well I have 5 seeds germed in rock wool cubes the mini 1.5" ones and I'm going to be doing 3 of the seeds in a hempy bucket and 2 in soil but I was wondering if I can start the two seeds that are gonna be in ff soil when they get big enough if I can start them in 16oz hempy...
Lol I got 10 nirvana Chrystal reg 3 freebies 1 sour kush fem and 2 big bud#2 reg and I'm gonna be planting about 4 or 5 under a 400watt mh and 400watt hps for flower I just got the 400w system this will be my second grow my first one was all cfls so I'm exited to see the results.
Hey way up everyone well I got some beans from herbies on 4/20 and been checking the royalmail tracking system and it said my item has been passed overseas to the us and I was wondering how to track it at USPS I put the tracking code I used on the royalmail website but it's not working on the...
Alright thanks do Ill probably do the five 1gal pots I'm gonna start them in 16oz party cups then transplant to 1gal before flower but about how about how long should I veg if I keep em in 1gal pot.one more question would I be able to top if I vegg them in 16 or32oz cups or is it to small to top?
Wats up everyone I am going to be starting my second grow soon and I just got 13 seeds 10 Chrystal nirvana seeds 1 fem 2reg big bud #2 and was wondering if it would be better to plant five of them in 1gql pots just to get some clones and a better chance of getting female or just plant three...
Hey everyone Im going to be trying the scrog method and just wanted to know if theirs a certain frame size for it or is it up to the grower And there plant size im just confused about this part i think i got the rest of it down.and it's for one plant so any advice would be appreciated.