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  1. kerbykid


    thats what i figured, it looked like it locked out Mg (also because of the ca in my hard water) so i added some espson salts... springin back to life a bit :)
  2. kerbykid


    Changed out the water in the res a few days ago and added new nutes... today, noticed spotting, drooping, and a general fading/yellowing... Nuteburn, pH problem / lockout, or deficiency? Hydro/Aero system pH when water was first mixed was way acidic, checked now and it was around 6.5... i just...
  3. kerbykid

    Qucikie - New Clone Drooping (Pic)

    Hey guys, so I got a batch from seed going at the moment and they are healthy, strong, and well rooted in the hydro system... problem - roomate brought a new clone back (about the same size as seeded) and its in the system. Its drooping and wilting/curling, which I expected as it wasn't used...
  4. kerbykid

    How Big Should I Go....

    took clones of em... they are now in 12/12 :) thanks!
  5. kerbykid

    How Big Should I Go....

    they are clones, so no worry on the M/F they have enough room to double with the light still 20" away... should i flower? would waiting be pushing light/size constraints?
  6. kerbykid

    How Big Should I Go....

    bump.... anyone?
  7. kerbykid

    How Big Should I Go....

    Hey guys, I only have two plants (Straw Cush, Sour D) in a smallish grow box. How long should i veg these guys (time not really an issue) so i get maximum yield, but dont overgrow the space? 250W MH - Veg 250W HPS for flwer they are 16" high now... light is 24" away can maybe go another 6"...
  8. kerbykid

    Heat Stress, Or Over Nute?

    prob going to start to flower at the end of the week... im going to flush and replace the solution.... what ratio/ppms do you recommend? (GH nutrients)
  9. kerbykid

    Heat Stress, Or Over Nute?

    250 MH light 880 ppms just toping with h20 mild nutes every week ish?
  10. kerbykid

    Heat Stress, Or Over Nute?

    The problem appeared to have started from the top down... have a few fans to regulate temp... What do you guys think? ppm meter is on the way...
  11. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    its definitely coming back, new growth looks good. Thanks everyone. As for those fan leaves... they are kinda crispy... would you recommend removing them?
  12. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    large fan leaves went first, drooping, turning a uniform yellow.. then spotting, then the spots turned brown and curling up... thanks for noticing the black #$%^... we didnt know what it was.
  13. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    added more nutes to correct N deficiency... put on a better watering schedule... continues to not look good! stunted growth... leaves are still turning, getting crispy, and dying. what would you guys suggest?
  14. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    what would you suggest to do to correct this?
  15. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    Lowered the PH last night... woke up to this... Limiting the amount of water now... anything else? Help bring her back to life! :)
  16. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    dont know my ppms... thought it was overwatering before, cut it back and it continued to droop now back with water i just dont want to over nute it.... it kinda looks like its burning, but it kinda looks hungry... its just not getting better :(
  17. kerbykid

    Yellowing, Drooping, Nutriant Burn? Deficiancy? Help (pics)

    Has been slowly going down hill... PH 6.2, not many initial nutes, now getting droopy and added a mild amount. Is it nute burn? or deficiancy? I dont want to add more or flush until i get another opinion... Thanks A Bunch!
  18. kerbykid

    Wilting, Twisting, Yellow... Help? (pics)

    Hey guys, so we just got 2 big old clones transplanted into a hydro setup and they are slowly deteriorating. Thought it was over-watering maybe... so cut it back... still going downhill.... thought it was too much nutes... replaced water... still not looking good.... lights not too close... I...