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  1. POTosino

    global warming and plants

    so if increasing co2 in our artificial growing environments increase plant growth and allow the plants to withstand higher temps, does global warming due to the increase of co2 and burning of fossil fuels cars etc have an effect on plant growth in the real world. also doesnt co2 cause plants to...
  2. POTosino

    180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light with cfl?

    i looked up led grows and i do agree half way on small plants/buds. however u have to account for shit like not correct use and efficient application of the lights. also im sure wattage of the leds has something to do with it...
  3. POTosino

    180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light with cfl?

    thats y i was considering combining it with cfls. ne one with sum info in cfls and leds
  4. POTosino

    blue spectrum

    blue spectrum comes from the bulb not from a plastic covering or tinted bulb. yes 2700k is the majority blue spectrum bulb no cellophane needed edit: my bad other way around 2700k is red and 6500k are blue
  5. POTosino

    180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light with cfl?

    hello im new and was thinking of starting a grow myabe with leds and cfls combined. is this possible or would the cfls drown out the leds. this is the kind of led i am looking at 180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light. and i have 4 cfls of each color (2700k, and 6500k). would it be possible to set them...
  6. POTosino

    180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light with cfl?

    bump. ne one with ne help on leds
  7. POTosino

    180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light with cfl?

    hello im new and was thinking of starting a grow myabe with leds and cfls combined. is this possible or would the cfls drown out the leds. this is the kind of led i am looking at 180W Jumbo UFO LED Grow Light. and i have 4 cfls of each color (2700k, and 6500k). would it be possible to set them...
  8. POTosino

    Ph problem?!?!?!

    well i got one from there that had the two prongs out the bottom n u stick it in soil but now it doesnt even work. it stays at 8 and i stuck mit in a bottle of apple cider vinegar just to see if it would go down n it only went 6.5 to 7 and im sure itn apple cider vinegar it should be lower
  9. POTosino

    Ph problem?!?!?!

    is there nething i can do or add to the pot even if the plant is in it to make it less compact
  10. POTosino

    Ph problem?!?!?!

    is that good for soil. that is the medium im growing in
  11. POTosino

    Ph problem?!?!?!

    hello i ama first trime grower and i think my ph is off causing my leafs to curl. so my question is does anyone recoomend any cheap but accurate and durable ph testors i cant really spend alot maybe like 40 or less. i found this one on ebay any feedback would b great...
  12. POTosino

    Side lighting help

    alrite thanks massah
  13. POTosino

    Side lighting help

    i am growing one plant just to get the hang of things but am wanting to add to my growbox for the improved second run and was looking for side lighting ideas. i am low on funds so cannot do anything excessive. i currently have four cfls connected to a power strip . any ideas on wat i can get to...
  14. POTosino

    First closet grow - seeking advice

    dont worry too much on the leaf yellowing unless it gets worse. the plant im growin now has the bottom two kinda burnt lookin but the rest is healthy so im just watchin it to c where it goes. i suggest u do the same just kjeep an eye on it and just water regularly
  15. POTosino

    First closet grow - seeking advice

    good luck on ur grow man, btw wat kinda seeds u growin?
  16. POTosino

    First closet grow - seeking advice

    also wen u transplant em to watever media ur using u might have to plant lower so the stem isnt sticking up so much
  17. POTosino

    First closet grow - seeking advice

    at least 3-6 cm dependig on how much heat it puts out. if it does heat up too much for that look into cfls used for regular inside lighting like the ones im using on my grow
  18. POTosino

    First closet grow - seeking advice

    first thing i see is that the seedlings are stretching. if u can you should lower the lights sum if they stretch too much they can fall over due to a weak stem
  19. POTosino

    i want them bushy - Big Bang from Greenhouse

    so thats about 4000 lumens all togethor, which sounds good to me. more is better they say. also im usin 23 watt cfls they put out about 1200 or so. so if u need a boost after a while try buyin sum of those or i think they have bigger at home depot
  20. POTosino

    i want them bushy - Big Bang from Greenhouse

    how many lumens is each bulb