Search results

  1. C

    How much would it cost to make a custom Gourd?

    Another custom glass shop here in Berkeley already sells this exact model but I was wondering how much it'd cost to have one made. I'd want mine to be nice and thick and extremely trippy. I do not know if any of you are familiar with Huichol peyote beadwork. I would like to get a peyote patch...
  2. C

    hoffman 2010 bicycle day blotters

    I've heard negative things about them, especially since they reek of chems and these particular 25blotter puzzle does have the stamp on the back. anyone else have any info for me? i remember that last time i got 2010 hoffman // bicycle day blotters i was burnt on them // have read a lot of...
  3. C

    Does anyone have any sucess with growing coca plants in northern cali?

    i've read // seen pics of people growing them but i dont know what region they are in. i am not looking to grow a lot just a enough for tea and some chewing, from what i understand is that they are really hard to trasplant and finding fresh germinated seeds are hard to come by and they can die...
  4. C

    I am looking for some glass spoons and glass stir rods

    i know that stir rods can be purchased for roughly $.50 each but i figured that since people that work with a lot of glass they must have plenty of extras and i really need to get some.. ive been quite onthe broke side lately so anything would be greatly appreciated. i forget who exactly but...
  5. C

    i don't know if this is allowed here or considered sourcing but if so please delete

    what is the best site to order spore syringes from? it has been a few years since i have ordered any.
  6. C

    Looking for HQ digital blotter files And or HQ Printer + Perforater

    I am looking to build a collection of HQ digital blotter files(i'd love to see some original art), that way I can print + perforate my own. PM me if you have any and I'm sure we can work something out for them. Preferably 300dpi or close to it. Even if you have 1cm - 1.25cm images that would...
  7. C

    Looking For St. Albert blotters undipped

    I am looking for St. Albert Blotter undipped (these will be framed), I have been looking for it to add to my collection(or if anyone has the HQ scan of this I would also appreciate owning that // I could print + perforate my own). I am actually looking for both bootlegs, please hit me up if you...
  8. C

    I am looking for graphic designers.

    I am hoping to start an RC // blend webstore and i need logos for stickers // jars. I am also thinking of opening my own printshop that specializes in Posters(limited runs) and blotter art. PM me your work // portfolio and hopefully we can do some business together.
  9. C

    hi, i am CrookieMonster

    a lot of you might recognize me if you read other forums, BL // DF // myceum // LHG // alterd etc. i am located in the SF Bay Area and always up for a chat.
  10. C

    So i was banned then unbanned, my posts were deleted PM function not working

    even before i was banned and i had 50+ posts i did not have the PM function in my profile. hopefully this will be fixed this time around / when i get 50+ posts. but if not can someone please check into it. LMK and thanks in advance.
  11. C

    so i was banned then unbanned, my posts were deleted PM function not working

    even before i was banned and i had 50+ posts i did not have the PM function in my profile. hopefully this will be fixed this time around / when i get 50+ posts. but if not can someone please check into it. edit: posted in wrong section. i will post this in the support forum. edit2: my PM...