Search results

  1. HeaveyKush

    Fastest way to get my card?

    So I got approved for medical marijuana yesterday. Talked to the doctor for like a total of 5 minutes and I got his signature of recommendation. He opened my medical paperwork and was like, "so you suffer from chronic seizures I see, well that would qualify you" and signed it. Wasn't nearly as...
  2. HeaveyKush

    Fastest way to get my card?

    According to this website; unitedpatientsgroup I can walk into a dispensary and legally buy marijuana with just an approved doctor's recommendation and I don't even need a card, quote; Is this true?
  3. HeaveyKush

    Fastest way to get my card?

    I suffer from seizures and what are known as 'auras' (which are technically seizures themselves) and medical marijuana is accepted as a treatment for it, I also have 2 broken vertebrae which cause me chronic pain that medical marijuana helps treat. Anyways I am prescribed seizure medication but...
  4. HeaveyKush

    Lots'a Bud

    So a buddy of mine has a contact that grows a couple plants a year and he just got a decent amount of some fairly decent bud from him for free. (Santa came early this year I guess huh?!) Anyway he has all this bud now and I was trying to think of some creative and fun ways to smoke it. We don't...
  5. HeaveyKush

    Good game(s) while high/stoned?

    I know there's like a thousand of these threads on this site alone, but I can't find any games I want to play on any of them so I figured I'd make a (up to date) thread. I'm really burnt out on quite a few games, so I'm looking for a game that doesn't really have an end and that you can build...
  6. HeaveyKush

    Good game(s) while high/stoned?

  7. HeaveyKush

    killing the roach

    There are plenty if things you can do with a roach. Eat it, it can be a nice topper to a buzz. Split it open and load the weed into a bowl, or you can just put the whole roach in the bowl. Split it open and save it or just save the roach itself. Oh and instead of using a straw you can just use a...
  8. HeaveyKush

    dude, how do you break up weed?

    Or if you mean how do you break up weed as in, do you break it into a fine dust like you're getting ready to snort it, or do you like yours clumpy like a lumpy shit, then I'd say crumble it until it looks like parsley. Breaking the weed up allows for better airflow as apposed to just sticking a...
  9. HeaveyKush

    dude, how do you break up weed?

    Buy a cheap-o grinder if you don't have a lot of money. Even a plastic one will get the job done, not as well as a metal one, but good enough. Or if you can't buy a grinder, scissors work, especially smaller pairs. And if you don't have a single pair of scissors in your house, grow your pointer...
  10. HeaveyKush

    Anyone still smoke blunts?

    I've smoked a total of 3 blunts in the 8 years I've been smoking Marijuana, and I have to say every time I was disappointed and I'd kick my ass if I ever picked another one up. I just hate the taste of the wrap for the most part, I can always taste the wrap even if it's not flavored there's...
  11. HeaveyKush

    Duuude... maaajor drag man, total buzzkill..

    So like, I was wondering what kills your buzz/high the most. Aside from the obvious things such as Cops, Drug Tests etc. For me, for some reason eating and drinking significantly lowers my high or completely gets rid of my buzz if I'm just buzzing. I don't know why either as I'm like the only...
  12. HeaveyKush

    Resin hitting

    I was wondering how bad it is for me to Resin hit my bowl as much as I do. Usually as soon as I'm out and want to smoke I turn to my bowl and since it builds up so easily it's real easy to get really insane hits from it just resin hitting it. My question is though, can doing this pretty much...
  13. HeaveyKush

    Replacing bong water with Listerine

    hardy-har-har sooo funny.
  14. HeaveyKush

    Replacing bong water with Listerine

    Have you ever replaced your bong water with listerine instead? Is it bad for you?
  15. HeaveyKush

    Chemdawg Sour OG Kush 23

    For my birthday a friend from work gave me a good deal on an Ounce of some Chemdawg Sour OG Kush 23 Deadhead (medical grade), this shit is just... MIND BLOWING.. I could smell the dank sourness through the bag as soon as he handed it to me I have to say that this is the best Bud I've ever...
  16. HeaveyKush

    Question About Half O Prices

    problem solved
  17. HeaveyKush

    Grasscity shop

    I'm planning on ordering a few things online for Christmas this year and I was wondering if anyone has ever ordered from Grass City If so are they worth buying from? Or should I try to find a different store online
  18. HeaveyKush

    How Much Do You Smoke?

    I'd say 1-2 oz whenever I smoke. I just roll it all before hand so I can just grab a Joint and smoke shits already prepared when I need it. So I usually smoke 3-4 times a day, wake n bake, after my shower, when I get home, and then before I go to bed. Wake n bake us usually 3-4 joints, if I can...
  19. HeaveyKush

    The Benefits of Using a Grinder

    A grinder? What? Nah man I don't use grinders. Grinders are a lazy man's tool, do you think that back 100 years ago they had Grinders? My fingernails and the stems are my grinders :D I deveoloped a perfect method to grind weed easily, just use your Fingernails and rub the bud off against the...
  20. HeaveyKush

    Favorite Games?

    Hey back with another thread like the Movies one, this time I'd like to know what your favorite games to play are :D I really like FPS games like Call of Duty, Battlefield 3, Doom and L4D2. But some other ones like a browser game called Bloons Tower Defense 4, that game is unbelievably...