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  1. M

    How far along is she? First grow, outdoors

    Thanks for the reply fella :) yeah it is a late one, must of done something wrong haha. Would it be worth shifting it to the green house to see what happens or would it be better just harvesting it now? Thanks again
  2. M

    How far along is she? First grow, outdoors

    I dont know what seed sacks are but I don't think there are any seeds on there that I can see so far... There is also some bud rott happening, is this because they are ready or because of the misty weather we're having here in the UK? Should I harvest them now?! :? Thanks peeps!
  3. M

    How far along is she? First grow, outdoors

    Hi all, First time UK outdoor grower here! I was just wondering if anyone could give me some feedback on how far along the flowering stage she is.... is there anything smokable there? there aren't many pistils around yet... Is there anything I can do to encourage her along? It's...
  4. M

    Help would be much appreciated! Outdoor grow plant is looking poorly :( pics...

    Thanks for the reply, I'm currently looking into the spider mite cure, is there anything I can do about the burning due to too many nutrients?!
  5. M

    Help would be much appreciated! Outdoor grow plant is looking poorly :( pics...

    Ok thank you for your reply! I have now repotted it in the largest container I could that would still fit in the green house! It was doing great until recently, it has developed lots of white spots on the leaves with some browning and rolling at the tips also. I used some home made composted...
  6. M

    Help would be much appreciated! Outdoor grow plant is looking poorly :( pics...

    Hello all, Major newb here! UK Outdoor grow, plant is looking really rather unhappy, I have read up on a few helpful threads on here but am finding it all a bit too much to digest atm. Plant was repotted about a month ago and has grown quite a bit since! Since repotting the leaves have yellowed...