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  1. R

    Will Flowering at 4 Feet Tall be a Problem?

    Yeah for now just bag seed until I get a bit more equipment to properly care for my girls... no sense spending $30 on seeds when I don't even have a Ph meter yet ya know... anyways thanks for all the great help guys! Any rough estimates what such a short plant could bring in cured? I'm aiming...
  2. R

    Will Flowering at 4 Feet Tall be a Problem?

    Thanks for the info man! Will certainly put into use.
  3. R

    Will Flowering at 4 Feet Tall be a Problem?

    Ok so top after a 4th node has grown, any sooner causes to much stress with to few leaves? Then top again when those new tops have 4-5 nodes on them, or 4-5 TOTAL nodes?
  4. R

    Will Flowering at 4 Feet Tall be a Problem?

    Thanks for the speedy reply both of you! I'm super new around here and this is the SINGLE forum I'm a member of that doesn't SLAM new members... speaks mad levels about he community aspect of our culture! I'm a member of many music production forums, some computer forums etc... and all of them...
  5. R

    Free Grow Videos

    Much appreciated man! Downloading them now with great speeds! Over 1.5 MB/s on each while downloading at the same time so PLENTY of seeders on them!
  6. R

    Will Flowering at 4 Feet Tall be a Problem?

    So as you can guess I'm new to this whole growing thing... anyways my grow space is incredibly short and the tallest my plants will be able to get without being burnt from the light is around 4 feet tall... I'm curious if this will effect the amount of bud the plant will produce? I'm only...
  7. R

    First grow how does it look?

    You didn't happen to top that plant of yours did you? My grow room is SUPER short (like I'll have to force flower at about 3 1/2 - 4 feet tall) so I need to go the extremely bushy route that your plant went. I've read up on topping and super cropping which is what I'm going to try (my first...