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  1. SaulSpliff

    Hemp Wick Rules

    Hemp wick is the best! your bud doesn't end up tasting like a butane barbecue... i recently tried a ceramic tip iron and a vaporizer and they both have the same clean effect.. well the vape isn't really, but the ceramic is! but i still like hemp wick the best... it's all natural and very tasty...
  2. SaulSpliff

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    can you elaborate a bit? what do you mean by phase two? thanks!
  3. SaulSpliff

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    alright, thank you so much! i'm going to start a new grow i think, either clone or seeds.. and i might start dabbling with indoor as well. I'm a bit stubborn and might just keep it to see if there's a way, just out of curiosity. should i cut that top that's all messed up? or? thankyou again...
  4. SaulSpliff

    My current organic, outdoor clone...

    My current organic, outdoor clone.
  5. SaulSpliff

    New Mystery Clone organic, outdoor advice needed.

    around a week ago i recieved an clone of an unknow strain from a friend. he said it might be silver haze, but isn't positive. she was on her 3rd set of leaves. she had bugs, damaged leaves(holes, tears, yellowed, dried pieces). i found out that the bugs were thrips, and treated them with organic...
  6. SaulSpliff

    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    around a week ago i recieved an clone of an unknow strain from a friend. he said it might be silver haze, but isn't positive. she was on her 3rd set of leaves. she had bugs, damaged leaves(holes, tears, yellowed, dried pieces). i found out that the bugs were thrips, and treated them with organic...