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    mine were blue and 1mg with no labels on them, came in blisters. supposely they are compared to 10mg valium. I ate handfulls and they were inactive for me, but when my friends loved them.
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    :confused:why not do it more than 15x in your life? i finally got the best molly and loaded up on it, its hard to come across, diff smell and txt for sure. i agree, e pills sux compared to quality Mol
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    Finally trying da blow

    i never like yayo solo but mix with h or roxi's it was my pitfall.... Drinking and blow won't be a problem, just don't blow your heart up
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    Drugs changed my world. [long]

    hey girl, thanks for sharing, it must been hard for u growing up but im glad thinks are brightening up 1 love
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    Needle Me This Eye Candy

    can we get some design pix of hot chicks? i love them.. thanks in advanced repped!
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    Needle Me This Eye Candy

    any new pics?
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    Get YOUR Bass Face ON - August 2011 Mix

    nice mash, gonna dl also
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    Mushroom growing forums and spore sites?

    what strain did u use mrdank? nm i see you used b+
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    Alex Grey - Ganesha / Shiva Blotter Artwork LSD

    i had the same ones at waka, i had 2 left and split it with my buddy, usually never trip hard on just 1 dose but thats all i needed :)
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    Suboxone; Bliss and then Vomit Hell

    i was on subs for 6 months and split between taking subs and doing oxys, it was a vicious cycle, it wasnt until i went to rehab and cleaned up from all substances was I actually free. Today I feel better, i look better, and my mind is better.
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    Allergy Testing 2CE Was A Bad Idea!

    haddaway how do u plug it? cap or oral syringe?
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    Trippy Music

    sound tribe, just a mix of dubstep
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    Ecstasy [MDMA] is the Devil's Noise!

    thought id chime in, i only eat molly during shows, and i dip in my bad throughout the night. i love to stomp and molly gives me the feeling and energy to dance till sunrise.
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    Friends heroin dose

    haddaway the past year i have been on and off subs and oxys, i had a prescription to subs, but i felt more free when I cleaned up from all opiates. I have 2 months clean from opiates and feel and look better than i ever have. On the other hand, i met tons of people at the clinic that it...
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    Friends heroin dose

    i was on subs also but i still didn't feel right inside my body, it was just another drug i was a slave to
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    Friends heroin dose

    i am an x iv user of 10 years, and i promise u theres nothing good from mainlining H. tell your friend now to stop while she/he can because your always gonna be chasing that rush once you break thru the otherside.
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    Experience With Salvia Was Traumatic

    its amazing you all can put these into words, thank u unk how much did u smoke to get that experience?
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    legit Benzo questions....

    what are the doses ur doc gave her? if .5 isn't doing the trick i would take 2, they also have time released xanax so you might ask your doc to look into that. Valium and ativan never did much for me unless i took a lot. If you already tried the xanax try the K nxt
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    ion suspension gel tab?

    i have read this thread three x's and still don't understand the what ion suspension gel tab is? is it in a tab and mixed with water? can someone elaborate?
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    Dubstep Anyone?

    i can listen to dub anytime, i just bought emancipators remix album and jam it in the morning