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  1. Nuggetsinmypocket

    seeds and stems

    throw all the stems in a bottle of everclear and let sit in the sun for a couple weeks.
  2. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    thanks doc ill prob give it a try. miracle smoke i just use 2 cups verm 1 cup brown rice flour and one cup water for 5 jars. 2cc in each jar. i dont have a presure cooker so i just always use this method. go to you tube and search lets grow mushrooms and this old guy tells you everything i...
  3. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    i just must be a stud then cuz i always get 10 to 14gs off all my half pint cakes and ive only been growing for about half a year. i donno maybe just some good luck... i no casing is better but i just started with cakes cuz they were so easy and ended up gettin such great results i almost dont...
  4. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    great experiment!! thanks alot. what do u mean by waffers. ive cut my cakes in half before and it seemed to help a little. looks like im gonna order some gulf coast and try out some rye. thanks for the info
  5. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    your syringe will last awhile and be fine.. just make sure to shake it daily so they dont get all clumped together.
  6. Nuggetsinmypocket

    first time getting high

    my buddies first time was awesome he starts off by basically deepthroating the bong then after one monster rip coughs for 2 mins then tells us his back and spine are moving around and freakin him out. he layed in front of a dehumidifre? and 2 fans for the next 2 hours and said he couldnt move. i...
  7. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Everyone In This Forum Read!!!!!!!

    Id say deff go with john allen strain they are really resistant to contams and are quick too. they might just be called allen strain. z strain seemed to work good for me also. but id say go to spores101 and just read about a few and see what sounds good to u. let me know whatcha decide
  8. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    when your making you syringe is it from just like one mushroom cap or do you need a few to get enough spores in your syringe. i mean do you scrape more than one print into jar. if not are your syringes still going to have as good yields?
  9. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Everyone In This Forum Read!!!!!!!

    John allen strain or i think its just called allen strain now are really resistant and i had a huge yield. everyone i gave alcabenzis too said they were awesome but ive never tryed any hawiians let me know how it goes.
  10. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Everyone In This Forum Read!!!!!!!

    ya.. ur mom snorts my mayo
  11. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    ya if you wouldnt mind to explain how you make your syringe
  12. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    ive been gettin about 2 ounces from 5. but depends alot on strains some grow much fatter stems and huge caps. i got 4 flushes with john allen strain
  13. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Everyone In This Forum Read!!!!!!!

    go to you tube and search lets grow mushrooms pf tek (something like that). some old guy gives a good step by step process. order your spores at spores101 and in a few months youll have your shrooms
  14. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    ya the cake method is prob the simplest. its pretty hard to mess up. you tube has a great video called LETS GROW MUSHROOMS and some old guy does an awesome job explaining each step.
  15. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    just fill up a bucket with water and i always add a lil milk and submerge the cakes under the water by placing something heavy on it
  16. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Fuck salvia.

    ya salvia deff fucks you up. ive smoke 10 and 20x plenty of times. in the dark is fun, play some pink floyd in the background. you musta just had the dried leaves not the extract. ive done shrooms and acid plenty but salvia rocks your world for about 2 mins.
  17. Nuggetsinmypocket


    check out the vapolution Northern California herbal vaporizers- Vapolution Vaporizer vaporizers are great and ive had a few this is deff the best ive seem for the money
  18. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    ya for sure. well good luck and happy tripping
  19. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    Ya ill have to try the rye flower and see if it reduces my yield cuz id love to have my jars ready quicker. ya half pint jars with 2 ml in each. Actually my fav were b + even tho someone earlier in this theard said they sucked mine musta just kicked ass. Most visual ive ever had, changing walls...
  20. Nuggetsinmypocket

    Anyone growing shrooms, have a look at this thread.

    ive grown b + , z strain, john allens, and alkabenzis all with great results. I used brown rice flour for all of mine and usually got 2 ounces from 5 jars with 3 flushes. Dunking in a mix of milk and water always seemed to help with small pins getting started