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  1. jaxdreaming

    2x2x4.6 600w Vertical Scrog ( Blue Cheese, 2x Purplepheno bag clone, 1 unknown seed)

    Your plants look amazing... well done... some great tips as well... I've been thinking of putting worms into my pots as there's loads in my garden... mine are 1 week into 12/12 and still vegging...
  2. jaxdreaming

    First EVER grow. Let me know what you think.

    Your plants are looking great... I flipped my lights last Saturday... a lot of side growth happening on all 4 of my plants and growth appearing at the node sites... I'll have to take some more pics... Sour Deisel no longer getting the burn tips on the leaves... giving them all a v. dilute...
  3. jaxdreaming

    First EVER grow. Let me know what you think.

    Well... I repotted the girls on Monday and they are all doing really well. I also moved them down from the lights and already planning to move down to their final floor position... also made more space in the grow room. The Sour Diesel I was concerned about...losing leaf tips at new growth...
  4. jaxdreaming

    First EVER grow. Let me know what you think.

    They are 7 weeks from seed... give or take a couple of days... they all germinated over 3 days... I will start a thread... let you know when it's up... :lol:
  5. jaxdreaming

    First EVER grow. Let me know what you think.

    :lol: I've subscribed to your thread so will be comparing as we go along... a bit of a panic last night when I saw a crinkly green leaf on the Sour Diesel...but when I calmed down I decided to re pot before I started to look at nute deficiency etc. can't see any bugs so hoping it's something...
  6. jaxdreaming

    First EVER grow. Let me know what you think.

    Hi... this is only my second post... your plants look amazing...:blsmoke: This is my first indoor grow too... my teens brought seeds then didn't know what to do so I took over... Mine are about the same age and doing well although nowhere near as bushy as yours. Mine are Northern Lights x1...
  7. jaxdreaming

    Barneys Farm LSD did anyone grow it?

    My teen boys brought 5 seeds LSD and Silver Star Haze from Barney's Farm Northern Lights Sour Diesel Blue Cheese from Bulldog They then didn't know what the f**k to do so I've sort of taken the lead on it. First time growing indoors so really learning as we go along. We planted the seeds...