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    Mold after harvesting

    Thanks problem solver, great post. Question: Once at step 3 and buds are bagged, how long does it usually take for the buds to aquire the 'beautiful aroma'?
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    Mold after harvesting

    Thanks Nick and everyone else. Now... what is the burping process? :shock:
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    HELP!! My first grow!!

    That's fine but I liked the idea of starting with 3 little plants. Splits the risk, so if one dies for a freaky reason, the others will be fine. Yes CFL is fine for the whole grow and yes use the 2700k for flowering. Two most common mistakes a beginner will make is over watering and over...
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    new grower

    When you mention a cheesy dick, everyone will run away mate, deal with it. lol.
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    Mold after harvesting

    Excellent, thanks. and Go Mr. Miyagi!!
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    light leaks

    A good trick is to put a camera on video mode, or a webcam, in the cupboard and shut the doors etc.... Good luck mate. :)
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    Mold after harvesting

    Hi everyone, I have done the searches and everyone talks about mold during the flowering phase. I have not had this problem, but I do get mold after harvesting and drying/curing. After drying, I put the buds into a sealed bag. Why do I get mold after a week or so? Could the buds be too wet...
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    Having trouble identifying what insect I have

    Yep, that's them! But! I have plant problems, so I guess I'm back to the drawing board then.... hhhmmmmm
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    Having trouble identifying what insect I have

    Hi Meta, I think they might be aye! I'll see if I can get a photo. Cheers
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    Having trouble identifying what insect I have

    Anyone? :/
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    Having trouble identifying what insect I have

    Hi, I have heaps of little white/yellow bug looking insects in the soil. So small you can only just see them with the naked eye. they're are oval shaped with 8 or so little legs. I am struggling to kill them. I spray the top surface of the soil but they are in the rest of the soil, what...
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    why is my plants showing flowers???

    Hi, yeah I used the word season, but I meant controlled season, or in this case, vegging. Thanks for the concern though. :)
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    why is my plants showing flowers???

    Thanks mate. +1 rep for you.
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    why is my plants showing flowers???

    Hi guys, I bought some female seeds and planted them 38 days ago. I have had the lights on 18/6 since planting the seeds. Now I have noticed one of my plants started showing the female pistils and now every node has little pistils showing! :dunce: What's going on? Should I change my lights...
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    120 watt + 48 watt CFL. She's gonna be a beauty.

    Dude, that doesn't even make sense! Your grammer and spelling is piss poor, you look like a complete moron yourself. No mate, your wrong, people read how much of a tool you are and throw some support to the more mature guy because you keep attacking him personally. You are the low-life for...
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    120 watt + 48 watt CFL. She's gonna be a beauty.

    lol blessedlungs, you have some serious issues in life aye.
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    HPS vs LED Question

    Hey just want to say thanks for all your posts and insight in this thread. I've been looking for a quality LED flowering light and I think Advanced might be it. The awesome thing for me is, the DS100 model pulling only 85w is big enough for my cupboard flowering chamber. I was going to go a 150w...
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    120 watt + 48 watt CFL. She's gonna be a beauty.

    Dude, life lesson, don't worry about idiots trying to pull you down. The ultimate thing to do is not to respond at all. I enjoyed reading your thread man, love the improvised grow box and appreciate your passion for growing, keep up the good work. :)
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    HSS 90w LED Grow

    I'd love to try and flower with LEDs, but what light to buy!!!!!!!???? Does ya head in!
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    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr no not first one, but I LSTed nice and put so much time into it :( oh well, got two more.... Thanks for your posts dudes.... I'll go cry myself to sleep now. :(