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  1. L

    Diagnosis Needed on First Grow:New Leaves Getting More Pale, Arms/Stems Purpling etc.

    HPS 250 WATT. Organic Miracle Grow Soils. This plant has been vegging since beginning of June. Started as an outdoor plant getting limited hours of sunlight and dark... then for about 2-3 weeks they had very poor lighting after i moved. Then the lamp came in about 3 weeks ago and it shot...
  2. L

    Hps closet grow, can the lamps ever be too high ?

    brilliant thank you everyone. now i have 3 big arms that are basically covering the new foliage sprouting under them and these big fan leaves are looking dry patchy and only have 3 fingers instead of traditional 5. The question is Should I clip these arms since they are shading lower levels of...
  3. L

    Hps closet grow, can the lamps ever be too high ?

    Could it effect the plant negatively if the hps lamps are too high? I figure it should be fine as long as the plant gets his light and warmth but this is my first one so i would love to hear some feedback please. thank you
  4. L

    MY VEG (Cool Color) BULB JUST BLEW, IS THE FLOWER (Redish color) BULB CHILL?

    WTF i went to plug my lamp into my timer and my bulb blew... happen to anyone else b4? hope my retailer sends a new one thats BS for how much those bulbs are... ANYWAY can anyone please let me know if using the FLOWER RED SPECTRUM bulb (Less Lumens) is okay until the new cool colored bulb comes...