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  1. En Sabah Nur

    picture of drying box?

    Are you speaking of that one thread where they bend open clothes hangers and jammed them threw a box? If so here is the link: 2nd Harvest Honestly I follow this guide here: A perfect cure every time Tip: The site search does not work as well as google does so at the google search bar type...
  2. En Sabah Nur

    How early can you sample a premature bud?

    I've gotten impatient before and have had an immature bud at that stage. It will get you high (it's not nearly as potent as the finished product) + the bud usually isn't flushed (unless you already flushed) and therefore is much much more harsh. Honestly I would just wait. It is so worth it...
  3. En Sabah Nur

    Did Drowning reduce your yield?

    Thanks I wasn't clear on that when I posted my comment. I was thinking of doing this the last two weeks but I was gonna leave the lights on until the last couple of days, does anyone have any opinions on the matter?
  4. En Sabah Nur

    I Think Canada Deserves Some More Respect

    I love the hash drive way! Man if I had like a billion bucks I would so pave like entire 3 mile drive way just so I could say I did it. lol I wish I really had that hash right now :D
  5. En Sabah Nur

    I Think Canada Deserves Some More Respect

    I've been watching the Trailer Park Boys on netflix, and that some funny stuff man. What a great show!
  6. En Sabah Nur

    I may have been ripped off by Nirvana seed bank and Attitude seed bank WTF!!

    @ Omgwtfbbq_Indicaman your profile pic cracks me up. I've never had any problem with Attitude. It did however take like 3.5 weeks last time I ordered for my item to get here, stupid slow usps.....
  7. En Sabah Nur

    Did Drowning reduce your yield?

    I just wanted to point out that by drowning I mean completely submerging a plant into water about a week prior to harvest to kickstart the fermenting process. This is not to be confused with flushing where the roots are still exposed to oxygen.
  8. En Sabah Nur

    Did Drowning reduce your yield?

    So I have been hearing a lot of nay-sayers about the drowning method, they are saying that this method greatly reduces yield at a moderate improvement to taste and therefore is not worth it. I wanna know the real deal on this because I was thinking of trying it on a grow. So what does the...
  9. En Sabah Nur

    How do I long term store bud in the freezer?

    I suppose you could possibly put those wonderful little silicon packets in your jars with your bud to absorb moisture (your gonna have to watch the RH to make sure it doesn't get to too dry), but the freezer idea seems like a bad one to me.
  10. En Sabah Nur

    How do I long term store bud in the freezer?

    You can prevent mold by buying a hygrometer. That way you can keep it in a jar (in the dark) and monitor the RH burping as needed. I can't imagine that putting weed in the freezer is even a valid solution. I've put weed in there before and it usually gets frozen and then when you take it out it...
  11. En Sabah Nur

    How do I long term store bud in the freezer?

    I usually follow this article here: A perfect cure every time. I just continue on the process by burping their jars periodically (every 2 weeks, sometimes less frequent if I forget).
  12. En Sabah Nur

    Long Time Lurker

    Thanks. I'm glad to be a part of the community! Everything looks so yummy :weed:
  13. En Sabah Nur

    my tap water is ph 7.7 receive ph down and up bottles and GOT MY ASS SCARED

    That's funny because on the side of my GH pH down powder it reads "Protective glove and eye protection must be worn."
  14. En Sabah Nur

    12/12 from seed to 18/6

    In Al B. Fuct's Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks , Al recommends a 24/0 light schedule unless taking cuttings. I personally do a 20/4 schedule so that I can have it shut off during the heat of the day.
  15. En Sabah Nur

    Growin' In The Dorm

    I knew a couple in my grouping of rooms who did this when I was in college. A resident assistant got tipped off and ended up catching them in the act of growing, the RA called the pigs, they ended up going to jail and getting a perma ban from the campus. The fines/jail time prevented both of...
  16. En Sabah Nur

    Long Time Lurker

    Hi all. I am a new member of rollitup, but I have been lurking for 2 years and finally decided to sign up. :) I wanted to see some of those awesome pictures that users are posting :weed: I hope to continue to improve my growing techniques and provide my vast computer skills to the community.