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  1. G

    Question for someone that's tried different grow methods (aero, hydro, soil)

    Assume you're vegging a plant for 10 weeks and it takes 10 weeks to flower after that (just for the sake of this post). Take everything out of the equation except for growing method. And it turns out that it indeed takes you that long in soil. How long should it take to veg just as much in...
  2. G

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Speaking of... does anybody supplement or plant to supplement their HPS with some deep red bulbs? That spectrum to me, just looks like it could use more light hitting it.
  3. G

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Alright. Tell me if I'm completely off? The point or question I'm trying to pose, at least I think :) "Is there a way we can put some different numbers on the table to spell out what is equivalent?". I think if we can that'd help well... me at least! Probably many others. Lets say you're...
  4. G

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Sorry if this is mentioned in here somewhere... do we know how much lumens worth (or whatever measurement I should be talking about) is being "wasted" into the wrong spectrum? As far as HPS goes? Or MH for that matter (for Veg). I'm trying to get some kind of an idea when I look at one deep...
  5. G

    Which books to buy to get started?

    I got the Bible by Greg Green and indoor/outdoor bible by Cervantes. $15-18 each (goodbye Borders) I go from one grow journal to the next and usually (if I like it) I can't get all the information I'm looking for either in reproducing it or in knowing whether they yielded anything better than...
  6. G

    Lots of questions

    Heheh, my bad, you see... I have a lot of questions and I don't expect people with good answers to want to cruise around from thread to thread answering mine so I lumped 'em all together :) Thanks for answering one :) But that's one thing to try and avoid (more lights). What I'm envisioning...
  7. G

    Lots of questions

    Hi everybody, I'm still new to all this. Been researching for a few weeks now. I still have many questions and was hoping to eventually find answers for most/all of these. I also hope to establish some relationships with people that may be able to advise me in getting the ball rolling here...
  8. G

    Which books to buy to get started?

    What are some current books to buy? I've never grown before, grow partner has, but I'd still want a book(s) that go into details on: Grow room design/setups The different strains Something all encompassing (one of the bibles?) I'd like to get some current books that may go into some detail...
  9. G

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Pr0 how viable are the T5s when hung vertically? I read this entire thread today, but don't quite remember the vertical talk. I'm a noob, but am trying to figure out some kind of vertical and aero type of grow, somebody posted over on another forum a thread titled "heath inspired test prootype...
  10. G

    Aeroponics questions (estimate of cost, growth time, size of reservoirs)

    Some quick Aero questions, info is scarce or buried (oh I see that true aero 2011 thread right there, and I read much of it and didn't see most of this). If I wanted to grow 4 foot, 5 foot, or 6 foot trees (pick a strain, doesn't matter to me), anybody know about how much of a reservoir you'd...
  11. G

    I Could Use A Lot Of Advice If It's Out There

    Firstly I just want to say... great forum. Lots of information. A lot a lot :) Perhaps too much for the layman to digest quickly. I'm still reading about topping, training, FIM technique, the different spectrums of light that grow a plant (I've never tended a plant in my life). The basics...
  12. G

    LED Light Pods

    I'm a noob. I'm still researching everything there is to know about growing these little plants. LEDs look attractive to me if they work, less heat, less IR signature, lower electrical bill = less problems Do they work? Does anybody have more info to give in the past six months? Sorry for...
  13. G

    Advice please? I could use some. The different systems

    Clearing out my basement for the first grow. Probably will be starting out with 4-8 plants, not sure which strain just yet. Still reading and reading and reading. Problem is... I'm kind of stuck at choosing a grow method. I see lots of debate between the different types of systems. There...