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  1. B

    Hydroponic Growing Tips!! Closet grow Just ask!

    Hello i have created this thread for those who want to grow with Hydroponics who might have questions or comments. I do closet grows with an 18 gallon DWC and Drip combo units that i make. the results are incredible, fast and explosive especially during Veg. Closet grows can be a bit tricky...
  2. B

    new leaf tips white then later turn brown and hook!

    I would love some input on this. i hope i am not being paranoid!! i am 12 day in flower and plants are doing great overall. however i am noticing the tips of new leaves on the top are a very light whitish color..just the very tips. Some of the middle fan leaves have brown, crispy tips...
  3. B

    new tips turning white/ some brown tips curling up

    thanks guys..Mr matt, my starting ppm for water is only 62. i rarely have to use ph up or down but it does tend to creep up as the days go by. only have to adjust once mid week (i change out every week). Just using 200 ppm of grow and 600 ppm of bloom and a little not a fancy...
  4. B

    HELP!! I Broke the top off my Plant

    hello..well i am 12 days into flower and the plants are doing great, but i completely ran out of room to raise my light (600 hps) in my closet grow...i know, i didnt plan correctly and vegged way too long. so i decided to train down and super crop the main colas and upper shoots. when i was...
  5. B

    new tips turning white/ some brown tips curling up

    I would love some input on this. i hope i am not being paranoid!! i am 12 day in flower and plants are doing great overall. however i am noticing the tips of new leaves on the top are a very light whitish color..just the very tips. Some of the middle fan leaves have brown, crispy tips pointing...