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  1. I

    MOLASSES anyone?

    I highly recommend NOT FOLIAR feeding with molassess. Even diluted in warm water, it will leave a residue on the leaves. BAD BAD BAD. Stick with root feeding with mol. Or try foliar on one, see what happens and post the results for everyone. If ya wanna risk one of your babies......
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    Chop or 1-2 wks more ???

    first set of pics look like they need more time NO DOUBT! 2nd set looks like they r really close. You can always trim a bud or two off, do a quick dry to test potency to see if its where you want it. Going by looks alone, or the cloudy trichs method is a GENERAL way of telling when to harvest...
  3. I

    Leaf miner worries?

    i dont want to spray them with pesticides at this point, they are outside day inside night, and i see the flys or gnats occasionally. My main concern is if they can infect my flowers or screw that up in anyway. All the websites talk about is not specific to what i need to know, I saw this last...
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    Leaf miner worries?

    im into second week of flowering and posted a problem which a very helpful reader said was leaf miners. I followed up and couldnt find anything mary jane specific. citrus,spuds, blah blah. Im clipping a couple of leaves at a time when they show up. Its not bad. maybe 5 leaves on each plant...
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    Anyone seen this weird shit

    thnx pan, youre right on the money
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    Anyone seen this weird shit

    any one seen this before? fox farms ocean soil ff tiger bloom open seseame not at full strength more happening on some plants than others water ph 5.7 havent done a pour through ph test yet Ive had it happen to me before when i wasnt using ff ferts so ive ruled that out. The soil? almost looks...
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    Will i only get tiny plants with small buds?!

    i live on the islands, right now start! the light cycles r getting longer so veg will be good plus weather is cherry right now. you can throw um n a shed or closet if u want to flower them around 5-530 pm so they have a 12 dark period, and trust me if u get tiny buds, we either just got a month...
  8. I

    Leaves are curling up?!?! HELP

    cfls need to be within a few inches of plant. r u growing just one? others to compare it to would be cool. Remember sometimes u get a plant with f'd up genetics somehow. No matter what you do for it, its just slow-retarded. But do some research, give it some time and tlc and keep us posted
  9. I

    Bronzing between veins, curling like a taco shell. PICS

    Nutrient Deficiency Table scroll down to more about overfertilization and click to see lists with actual pictures of plants with def.
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    Dried out

    pictures would be very helpful, but i generaly wouldnt cut off any leaves until i see browning. whenever you cut a part of a plant you r opening a wound, even with sterilized equipment, it still wounds. which will give a chance for disease to occur. This is a low chance of course but why risk it...
  11. I

    Could this be a PH problem?Pics

    Nutrient Deficiency Table this is a good link
  12. I

    Could this be a PH problem?Pics

    looks like a disease, check your roots, probably brown, I highly doubt flushing will reverse that, but its a start, you need to provide more of a history in order to get diognosis
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    Please HELP!?

    ive seen the stem become thin in a small area of a seedling and die because it got to dry one time, but the stem remaining the same size and bending over could be due to overwatering, just dont have enough info What r the temps?
  14. I

    Slow Stunted Growth

    ph of 7.5 seems alittle high for me, learn all you can about ph more people need to understand it it will change the way you grow forever once you learn that a plant will uptake more of some nutes and less of others at differnt ph levels
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    Texan, soon to be Hawaiian

    you will love the herb hate the prices NO WINTER!!!!!!!
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    Hows it looking

    i forgot to add some commas in there sorry
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    Hows it looking

    massage the bottom of the cup b4 you transplant gently it losens things up to help with transplanting nothing special you just wanna minimize root breaking
  18. I

    Hows it looking

    they r looking the way they should be so far. Not to sure about the 2 liter bottle idea. If u r going to transplant them sometime after the 2 liter bottle transplant, you might end up with a very long root system which could make it kinda difficult to transplant without alot of roots breaking...
  19. I

    No clue whats going on with these

    you are wasting to much of the cfl light. right now the cfls above your plants are emitting a huge majority of light out to the left and right, but your plants r down. you need to rotate the bulbs differently. You will see a difference in light coverage instantly. Also the two metal reading...