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  1. H

    For The "Liberals" In The Forum ...

    "Spite voting is mostly a white male phenomenon, which is why a majority of white males vote Republican. It comes from a toxic mix of thwarted expectations, cowardice, shame, and a particular strain of anomie that is unique to the white American male experience."
  2. H

    For The "Liberals" In The Forum ...

    Since the New Deal, Republicans have been on the wrong side of every issue of concern to ordinary Americans; Social Security, the war in Vietnam, Iraq,equal rights, civil liberties, church- state separation, consumer issues, public education, reproductive freedom, national health care, labor...
  3. H

    still brown/yellow leaves.. pics...

    bump? Do nutes lose their potency after 5 years?
  4. H

    still brown/yellow leaves.. pics...

    Thought they needed more nutes as the liquid nutes I have are 5 years old and losing their potency? Using general hydro micro system with flora micro, flora gro and flora bloom, this can be used for soil as many do as I have read. These are in 5 gallon pots. Not $100 a bag soil, regular avg...
  5. H

    N problems?

    My PH is too low it looks like, under 6, just added some nute with lots of N..Will this raise my ph?
  6. H

    N problems?

    Its cheaper to buy it in bulk Im always thinking. If you have to have 500$ worth of primo soil, 100$ of testing equipment, might as well buy a pound and save myself the frustration.. cheaper almost...
  7. H

    N problems?

    I cant afford a 50 buck ph tester right now. Have to use the cheap wal mart pool one with the red solution for now. I added some flora micro.. see what happens. guess I wont use the flora gro or bloom yet, even though they say to on the bottle.. If you have to spend 100's and 100's of $$ on...
  8. H

    N problems?

    regular ol store soil bought w/o time released ferts! I made that mistake last year... I have not givin it hardly any nutes like I said so I am hoping its a Nitrogen deficiency..
  9. H

    N problems?

    I have been trying for YEARS to grow, with little luck. I finally got some success I thought having 7- 5 gallon pots and they they really started to grow. pics attached.. However I have only gave them nutes twice as I have had problems in the past. Thats what mother nature gives them...